Dear Alaska Medicaid Behavioral Health Provider,
Effective May 12, 2024, the service authorization requirements for all described state plan and 1115 services are temporarily suspended through June 30, 2025.
This memo serves to supersede all previous guidance documents pertaining to the service authorizations for State Plan services, as outlined in 7 AAC 135.040, 1115 Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and 1115 Behavioral Health (BH) services.
Optum is updating provider express, their websites and claims system as soon as possible to reflect this change. Optum will work with providers who have submitted SA requests to ensure claims are processed appropriately going back to May 12, 2024.
New guidance will be provided when SA’s are re-implemented in SFY26. SA’s will be handled by Alaska Medicaid in SFY26, and training will be provided in early 2025.