The Behavioral Health Provider Support Organization (BHPSO) Request for Proposal (RFP) has been posted and responses are due Monday, August 12, 2024. Thank you to those who submitted public comments. This version incorporates valuable feedback received, ensuring that our RFP aligns closely with the needs and expectations of our stakeholders.
Key changes include:
- The title of the contract has been updated from Behavioral Health Organization to Behavioral Health Provider Support Organization to refine the main purpose of the organization.
- Language has been incorporated into the data and reporting section to potentially develop public-facing dashboards, improving transparency and accessibility.
- The key staff position formerly titled Customer Service Manager has been renamed as Training Director to better reflect the role's responsibilities and focus.
- A new section for a Tribal Liaison staff position has been added, recognizing the importance of fostering partnerships with tribal communities.
- Clarifying language has been included in the travel requirements section to specify minimum travel expectations and considerations for rural travel.
Next steps:
RFP Online Public Notice – Responses due Monday, August 12, 2024:
Procurement Evaluation Committee (PEC): The PEC will consist of DBH subject matter experts as well as up to three (3) external stakeholders – to be determined by DOH. After the responses to the RFP have been submitted, the state procurement office will contact the PEC members for scoring and discussion. Timeline is outlined in the RFP.
Award Contract: Upon selection of a successful vendor, a notice of intent to award will be issued. Go-live for the BHPSO contract is anticipated to be January 1, 2025, with readiness achieved by March 1, 2025 (subject to change).
Implementation Activities: Upon award, DBH will work immediately with the vendor to prepare for the full implementation. Providers can expect orientation sessions in early 2025 to introduce the BHPSO and provide information on what they will be prepared to support throughout the contract period.