April 21, 2022
Dear DHSS Employees,
Welcome to our second biweekly newsletter for employees on the department reorganization. In this newsletter, please find updates about new or reclassified positions related to the department reorganization, progress on work to divide our accounting system into two and office space changes.
In related news, the State of Alaska’s budget has passed the Alaska House of Representatives. On the Senate side, the budget is being reviewed by the Senate Finance Committee this week with a plan to have it on the Senate floor for amendments and a vote next week. They are looking to have a conference committee start the week of May 2 which bodes well for the budget being completed before the end of regular session in mid-May.
If you have questions about the reorganization or suggestions for this newsletter, please email dhssreorg@alaska.gov.
Thanks for all you do, and we hope you’re enjoying spring!
Marian Sweet, Assistant Commissioner, Department of Family and Community Services
Sylvan Robb, Assistant Commissioner, Department of Health
Office Space
Leadership has finalized plans for office space after the departments split. The only buildings impacted are the Frontier Building in Anchorage and three state-owned buildings in downtown Juneau (State Office Building (SOB), Alaska Office Building (AOB) and the Court Plaza Building). All other locations are not affected by office moves.
AOB will house the Department of Health (DOH) and its Office of the Commissioner. Finance and Management Services (FMS) for the Department of Family and Community Services (DFCS) will be in the Court Plaza Building. Consolidation of DFCS’ Office of the Commissioner and FMS in the Frontier Building is also occurring, mostly on the third and fourth floors. If you have questions about whether your section is moving, please check with your division’s administrative operations manager.
With decisions on office space finalized, we’re now able to focus on securing workers to complete the necessary work on office spaces before employees move (painting, reconfiguring systems furniture, etc.). Once we know more about the timing of that work, we will let you know when moves will be taking place. Rest assured if you are moving you will have plenty of notice.
IRIS Update
After multi-day meetings with the Division of Finance to work through the steps required to split the department in IRIS, the state accounting system, progress is well underway on that effort. There were lengthy discussions about whether to have DOH remain department 06 in the system or transition it to a new department number. DOH will transition to department 16. The Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) will retain 06 and over time as all DHSS transaction are finalized, 06 will be retired as an active department number. As planned, DFCS will be department number 26.
Each newsletter will have answers to questions received through dhssreorg@alaska.gov.
Q) Does the reorganization require reduced staffing?
A) There is no proposal for reduced staffing as part of the reorganization. The budget proposes 13 new positions and 10 reclassed positions in order to fully stand up both departments.
Q) How will the new departments be structured?
A) Each new department will have a fully functional Office of the Commissioner with a commissioner, deputy commissioner and special assistants. Each department will also have its own department support services, which includes financial management, personnel, grants, information technology, public information and regulation drafting.
Q) How will the reorganization affect Tribal collaboration?
A) Each of the new departments will have a designated Tribal liaison in the Office of the Commissioner. DFCS will work closely with Tribal partners and is committed to continuing in the framework of Tribal consultation. DOH will contain the Medicaid divisions and will continue to carry out Tribal consultation as required by the Social Security Act.
All new and reclassified positions related to Executive Order 121 are now with classification for review. As classification finishes their review of items and we’re able to get positions posted, we’ll share that information in future newsletters.
Each newsletter we will highlight resources to help inform you about this transition.
For more information, please visit the reorganization webpage, where you will find FAQs, documents and resources and an implementation plan.