1115 SUD and 1115 BH Waiver Services Lift requirement of rendering provider on professional claims effective for dates of service on or after 4/1/2021
Alaska Department of Health sent this bulletin at 03/26/2021 05:33 PM AKDT1115 SUD and 1115 BH Waiver Services
Lift requirement of rendering provider on professional claims
effective for dates of service on or after 4/1/2021
A back log of Medicaid provider enrollment applications has grown due to administrative strain during the public health emergency. This back log is affecting our 1115 providers ability to provide necessary 1115 SUD, MH, crisis services to our vulnerable population. DBH is also transitioning numerous services from our traditional state plan to 1115 waiver on April 1, 2021. To assist providers with the transition, DBH is lifting the requirement of a rendering provider (24J) on all professional claims submitted for 1115 waiver services until further notice.
Claims submitted to Optum for 1115 SUD and 1115 BH services for dates of service on or after April 1, 2021 will not require the rendering provider NPI on the claim to receive payment.
Claims submitted to Optum for 1115 SUD and 1115 BH services for dates of service prior to April 1, 2021 the rendering provider requirement is still in effect. If your organization is experiencing any difficulty, please reach out to mpassunit@alaska.gov with subject line: Enrollment Assistance
Please note that providers need to continue with the application, enrollment, registering process as required in the standards and administrative manuals during this requirement lift. The flow of enrollment needs to continue. When the back log is under control DBH will notify providers when they will need to submit rendering provider information on a claim again.
Here are some tips to assist you and the enrollment team processing your applications:
- Make sure to complete signature pages with the appropriate signature
- NPI numbers and name must match what is on the NPPES site
- All group application ownership information must match PECOS site
- All group applications must complete disclosure statement
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to the mailbox at mpassunit@alaska.gov
*Providers, please forward this message to staff you would link Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Email or Text Update you would like to self-register for DBH Communications messages.