Public Health Webinar Series: The Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program introduc​es its “Not Buying It” campaign to improve teens’ and young adults’ understanding of the health harms of e-cigarettes and motivate them to not vape. Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Webinar: The Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program introduc​es its “Not Buying It” campaign to improve teens’ and young adults’ understanding of the health harms of e-cigarettes and motivate them to not vape. Tuesday, November 19, 2019

CDPHP Webinar Series 

Public Health Webinar Series:
The Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program introduc​es its “Not Buying It” campaign to improve teens’ and young adults’ understanding of the health harms of e-cigarettes and motivate them to not vape.

Sign up for our next webinar.

The State’s Section of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion continues its webinar series at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, November 19, 2019. The webinar will focus on the Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program's “Not Buying It” campaign to improve teens’ and young adults’ understanding of the health harms of e-cigarettes and motivate them to not vape. After years of declining use of traditional cigarettes among Alaska youth, there’s now a significant increase in e-cigarette use among teens and young adults. Learn what Alaska’s Tobacco Prevention Program is doing to reduce e-cigarette use among young Alaskans.

The Section’s webinars are free and short — lasting about 20 minutes apiece, with 10 additional minutes for questions and answers and to explore ways we can all work together. 

Click here to register for and watch this webinar. You can sign up for future webinars or view past webinars on the Section’s web page.

Do you have a question about the webinar series, or do you have an idea for a future webinar about work being done by the Section, or its partners? Please send an email to let us know more.

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Visit Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion for more information about the section and
our mission to identify and advance the conditions that lead to safe and healthy lives for Alaskans.

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