Welcome! In our new twice-monthly update, OSPI and the ESSA team
will update you on what's new with ESSA, the Consolidated Plan, and our
movement towards submission in September.
Superintendent Chris
Reykdal has recorded an update addressing changes at OSPI, progress on the
budget, and current progress of the Every Student Succeeds Act. The 20-minute
video was originally recorded for the Washington State School Directors'
Association, and goes into detail on the work ahead for the Accountability
Systems Workgroup, introduces the recently convened Technical Advisory
Committee, and outlines the path ahead as OSPI moves to complete the plan
before submission on September 18, 2017. Watch the video on
YouTube. |
A Closer Look at ESSA: Participation Rate
OSPI recently launched
their new ESSA blog, as a part of the agency's new Medium page. In this new
article, we look at one of the tasks facing the recently reconvened
Accountability System Workgroup: Participation Rate. Specifically, what should
Washington do when faced with a school that doesn't have 95% of it's students
taking state assessments, a requirement in the Every Student Succeeds Act. If
less than 95% of students take assessments, it can skew the results in the
accountability index, potentially masking groups that may need more resources. Read the full story on our Medium page.
A Closer Look at ESSA: Tier Names
ESSA also allows
Washington the opportunity to change the way their accountability index works.
The ASW is working to make a recommendation to Superintendent Reykdal on what
they think Washington should adopt, both the number of tiers and the names of
the tiers. The workgroups are using the work of other states to guide their plans,
which we run down in our article. Read the full story on our Medium page.
Social Media Round-Up
Don't do the whole social media thing? Below are four infographics that
we recently shared, with some stats from the ESSA draft Consolidated Plan
public comment period.