Filing of Schedules in Jointly Administered Chapter 11 Cases.
Notwithstanding any order jointly administering related cases, Schedules and Statements of Financial Affairs and any amendments thereto shall be filed for each debtor and docketed in that debtor's case, as well as in the main case. The statistical information requested by CM/ECF upon docketing shall be filled out for each separate debtor.
When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us either to use information from
your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. For inquiries, please call 302-252-2900.
The court has always been proactive in planning for the future needs of its judges, staff and customers. As part of the planning process, the court will be engaging in a 2 day strategic planning event to prepare for the next two years. The major focus continues to be on efficiency and technology. Information will be provided as it becomes available.
Coming Soon...
The judiciary has initiated a new IT project to develop a Next
Generation of Bankruptcy CM/ECF. A project steering group has been appointed,
and approved a plan to form three functional requirements
groups to collect bankruptcy CM/ECF requirements. The three groups will examine
all business processes from the perspective of the three main operational
areas: Clerk’s Office, Chambers, and Additional Stakeholders. The Next
Generation of Bankruptcy CM/ECF project is coordinating its efforts with
district and appellate courts to ensure the creation of a compatible system that
enhances the operations of the entire judiciary.
There is a committee in place to amend the current mediation practices and procedures. There will be revisions to the Local Rules regarding mediation and ADR practice guidelines. A general meeting/CLE, outlining the changes, is projected for fall 2012.
The court is planning to implement an online claims module later this year. Currently evaluation of the different modules that are available for CM/ECF is in process. This program will allow users to file claims with the court electronically without a proof of claim form. The module will collect all the data and create the form dynamically. Supporting documentation can be uploaded if needed. More information will be forthcoming later this year.