NHTSA Updates the Conforming Products List for Evidential Breath Testing Devices and Alcohol Screening Devices

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) published notices in the Federal Register that update two Conforming Products Lists (CPL) for alcohol testing devices.  One notice is for the CPL of Screening Devices to Measure Alcohol in Bodily Fluids. The other notice is for the CPL of Evidential Breath Alcohol Measurement Devices


The devices listed on these CPLs are the only devices allowed for use in the DOT alcohol testing program [see 40.229 and 40.231].  An alcohol screening test can be done using a screening device on the ASD CPL or using an EBT listed on the EBT CPL.  A confirmation alcohol must be done using an EBT on the EBT CPL. Only those EBTs listed without an asterisk (*) on the EBT CPL are authorized for use in screening and confirmation testing. Tests performed with devices not listed on the CPLs are not valid tests.


The following nine (9) instruments were added to the CPL of SCREENING Devices:


  • AlcoMate SafeGuard (Model AL-2500, aka: AlcoScan AL-2500)
  • [manufactured by AK Solutions, USA, LLC, Palisades Park, New Jersey]
  • [manufactured by Alcohol Countermeasures Systems Corp, Toronto, Ontario, Canada]
  • [manufactured by KHN Solutions, LLC, San Francisco, California]
  • Alcovisor MARS
  • [manufactured by PAS Systems International, Inc. Fredericksburg, Virginia]
  • CA2010
  • [manufactured by Q3 Innovations, Inc., Independence, Iowa]
  • AT577, AT578, AT579
  • [manufactured by Skyfine Inc. Ltd., Kwai Chung, NY, Hong Kong]
  • [the AT578 is also distributed by Express Diagnostics Int’l Inc. Blue Earth, Minnesota under the trade name of AlcoCheck FC90]


The following nine (9) instruments were added to the CPL of EVIDENTIAL BREATH ALCOHOL Measurement Devices:


  • SAF’IR Evolution 
  • [manufactured by Alcohol Countermeasures Systems Corp, Toronto, Ontario, Canada] 
  • Intoxilyzer 600 
  • [manufactured by CMI, Inc. Owensboro, Kentucky] 
  • [also distributed by Lion Laboratories, Ltd., Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom as the Alcometer 600]  
  • Guth38
  • [manufactured by Guth Laboratories, Inc., Harrisburg, Pennsylvania]
  • Alco-Sensor V XL
  • [manufactured by Intoximeters, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri]
  • LifeGuard PRO
  • [manufactured by LifeLoc Technologies, Inc., Wheat Ridge, Colorado]
  • DataMaster DMT w/ Fuel Cell option SN: 555555, DataMaster DMT w/ Fuel Cell option SN: 100630
  • [manufactured by National Patent Analytical Systems, Inc., Mansfield, Ohio]
  • Alcovisor Jupiter, Alcovisor Mercury
  • [manufactured by PAS Systems International, Inc. Fredericksburg, Virginia] 


The following four (4) instruments were removed from the CPL of EVIDENTIAL BREATH ALCOHOL Measurement Devices: 


  • PBA 3000B, PBA 3000-P, PBA 3000 C, and Alcohol Data Sensor
  • [manufacturer Lifeloc Technologies, Inc. Wheat Ridge, Colorado]


 A minor change to the CPL of EVIDENTIAL BREATH ALCOHOL Measurement Devices:



  • A change of address for Alcohol Countermeasure Systems Corp., from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada to Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


You can view the updated CPLs by downloading the attached PDFs, viewing them on-line (Screening Devices) (Evidential Devices), or visiting our home page http://www.dot.gov/odapc/.