ODAPC Releases DOT's Mock Collection Video

DOT's Mock Collection Video 

ODAPC is pleased to announce the release of the DOT's Mock Collection video.  This video can be viewed and/or downloaded from our web site at http://www.dot.gov/odapc/mock-collection.html.

This video is intended for use by those who administer collection sites and by those who evaluate collection activities on behalf of transportation employers.  It provides viewers an opportunity to learn the steps necessary to have collectors conduct mock urine collections. Collection site supervisors and administrators will have an additional tool to help them learn if their collectors are appropriately following the DOT collection requirements and to take appropriate measures to correct identified concerns.

Please consider using this video as part of your training efforts.  We encourage you to email the video link to DOT regulated employers and to those who administer collection sites.

The video is a companion to the DOT’s 10 Steps to Collection Site Security and Integrity video.