Local Offer September Promotion

West Sussex County Council Local Offer
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Bi-weekly newsletter in association with our Local Offer

Local Offer September Promotional Month 

Dear all,

Last year we ran a Local Offer promotional month throughout the month of October.

With the help of local charities, organisations and champions we scheduled key messages and shared them across your social media platforms. 

Based on the success of the last year we would like to repeat another promotional month this year! However, this year we have decided to do this throughout September instead. The West Sussex Local Offer Annual Report will be out then and so will the new “What is the Local Offer?” leaflet.

Throughout September we will be sharing across social media (Facebook & Twitter) posts about the Local Offer across a wide range of different topics relevant to you and your followers. We would like to invite you to share out these messages across your channels (Facebook / Twitter / websites ). This means we will be able to capture the impact of key messages from the Local Offer and gain further intelligence on what information you are interested in.

If you haven’t already done, please do like us on Facebook and/or Twitter and prepare to get ready for September! 

If you have any questions or would be happy to support us then please get in touch to let me know: localoffer@westsussex.gov.uk 

Thank you,

Charlotte Smith 

(Your Local Offer Officer)
