Read all about our Local Offer

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The Local Offer website publishes information about available services for children & young people (0-25) who have special educational needs and / or disabilities.

What's new on our Local Offer

Our Local Offer is co-produced with children, young people, parent carers and professionals. It is therefore constantly developing based on your feedback.


Saying Farewell

It is with great sadness that we have said goodbye to Sarah Dimmock (right of picture) who has worked hard on the Local Offer over the last 14 months. Sarah has moved on to a new role with Think Family and Early Help as a Partnership Support Officer. Sarah started her role with the Local Offer as the site became ‘live’. Her input and support will be greatly missed. We wish her the best of luck in her new role.

Calendar of Events

Providers and Organisations can now post all their events, training and activities to one place on the Local Offer.

How? Providers and Organisations can go into edit their summary card. At the Top of the page it will say 'Add an Event'.


Having your say

Having Your Say  

We have created an online form to enable parent carers, young people with SEND to share their advice and tips to others to the Local Offer. 

Why? Some of the tips will be relevant to specific conditions or disabilities of their child but this may be helpful to another parent carer. View the information page here.

Video Guide

Video Guides

We have produced a series of video guides including: Using our Local Offer safely; creating an account; commenting on services on our Local Offer; using your Pinboard; using the calendar; and Guidance for Schools/Services/Organisations.

All videos can currently be seen on the About Local Offer information page.

upcoming events

Upcoming events on the Calendar

- Making Action Plans: a workshop to improve services for people with MSK conditions in Coastal West Sussex (15.12.2015)

- Informal Family Care - (16.12.2015)

- Autism Sussex: Evening Parent Support Groups (16.12.2015)

- Sensory Art Fun at The Glebe, Crawley Down(19.12.2015)

See all events on the calendar here.

Personal Outcomes Evaluation Tool

West Sussex County Council is participating in a national survey to find out how Education, Health and Care Plans are working for children and young people and we are asking for your help with this.

How can I get involved in the survey? You can follow the links to the online questionnaires on our Local Offer here. There are separate surveys for children and young people, parents and carers and also for practitioners. If you would prefer to complete a paper version or have any questions about completing the survey, please contact: Sarah West, SEND Data and Research Officer, West Sussex County Council. Tel: 0330 222 8230 Email:



Top Tip: Searching


1. Using Filters

To get the most out of your searches for either services or events on our Local Offer use the filters available to you. Try it here. View the filter bar down the left hand side of the search results.

2. Homepage

You can also search for services by category from our homepage.

Scroll down on our homepage to see the full list of categories including: SEND Activities; Money Matters; Transport & Resources; Equipment & Resources; Early Years; Activities open to all; Health and Wellbeing; Finding Support; Moving to Adult Life; Having your say & getting involved; Keeping Safe; Schools; Post 16 Education & Training; and Education Support. You can click on the relevant category to find the list of related services to the category.


 Thank you to everyone who has already provided feedback about the site.

You can an let us know what you think through the feedback button on our Local Offer or email Thank you!





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