Sprockets Network News - December

December, 2012

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Welcome to  Sprockets Network News! If you know of others  interested in Sprockets, please share this e-newsletter or encourage them to sign up at www.sprocketssaintpaul.org

Also, don't forget to 'like' us on Facebook for updates between newsletters.

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Professional development

conservation corps ypqa

January Training

Creating Effective Learning Environments
for Youth Workers.

Are you a program manager? This training focuses on how to develop a reflective and engaging learning environment with your staff.  Learn how to create the context to share important concepts of quality youth programming, and develop the practice skills of your staff.

January 23rd 9am-12 at Liberty Plaza
Facilitated by the University of MN Extension, Youth Work Institute

Register at www.commed.spps.org and search SPROCKETS
or call 651-487-7383.  Trainings are designed to address the professional development needs of Sprockets Network Partners.  The 2012-2013 training calendar provides training opportunities for staff of all levels.  Check out what is available and sign up for the training that fits YOUR needs.

After School Accelerators

How can afterschool programs support school success if their focus is not tutoring and homework help?  How do we help young people be successful in the classroom by maintianing our commitment to best practice youth work?  Five Sprockets network partners are coming together to find out.  Over the next year, the Sprockets Accelerators will work with each other, Saint Paul Public Schools and other experts to get intentional about how their programs help youth aim higher.  A year from now we will highlight the practical applications and best practice learning of this group.  Organizations include: Community Design Center, Commonbond Communities, Conservation Corps, YMCA and YWCA.


from the field of youthwork

The 2011-12 Minnesota Walkabout fellowship was a year-long effort to bring experienced youth workers together to generate more wisdom, language and leadership around youth worker preparation and practice in Minnesota. At both the state and national levels, a growing collection of standards, competencies, credentials and career pathways are being established to guide and standardize youth work preparation and practice. Read about what our colleagues found in exploring the field of youth work in their papers.

mn walkabout fellows

Summer School Dates

Summer planning is here! Does your program serve young people that typically attend summer school? If so, you will be glad to know that the 2013 Summer School calendar has been confirmed.

Future network meetings

Join other youth workers in your area to share ideas, best practices and collaborate while meeting others who share a passion for building brighter futures for youth through OST.

East Side Network Cafe - January 14th 10:00-12:00 at Dayton's Bluff
Leap Forward Collaborative - December 18th 10:00-12:00 at Arts Us
North End et. al - January 17th 9:30-11:30 at TBD (*note date change for January)
West Side Neighborhood Learning Community - December 20that Baker Recreation Center