City Website Features New Online Tools

City Website Features New Online Tools

Last April, the City of Eden Prairie officially launched the new and improved City website,

Now, with the recent addition of two new online tools – CITY CONNECT and EP SEE CLICK FIX – is more interactive than ever!

City Connect

CITY CONNECT is a new online platform for sharing thoughts, ideas and insights – because let’s face it, we’re all busy and there’s a lot going on in our community. It can be hard to stay in touch with what’s happening in Eden Prairie, much less find time to get involved in the process.

CITY CONNECT opens the conversation to a broader section of our community – perhaps those who can’t make it to a public meeting or don’t have time to write a letter to the City Council – an opportunity to take part in important projects and decisions. And your participation in the conversation will help City leaders shape the future of Eden Prairie.

Visit to join the conversation!

See Click Fix

EP SEE CLICK FIX is a mobile application for reporting and resolving nonemergency issues in our community. The application is designed to empower residents with an efficient way to help the City identify and address maintenance issues throughout Eden Prairie.

Residents can now use their mobile devices to take a picture of something that needs to be fixed – such as a pothole or damaged playground equipment – and submit the geographic location automatically (using GPS technology), along with the photo, directly to the appropriate City staff member(s) who can resolve the issue. Once fixed, the individual who reported the issue is notified. Service issues can also be reported via computer.

The EP SEE CLICK FIX mobile application is available for iPhone, Android and BlackBerry users. Visit your app store or to download EP SEE CLICK FIX today!