Reform Alert # 38 – Open Service Credit Billings May Expire Early Based on Member Election

MPSERS reform


December 20, 2012


Reform Alert # 38 – Open Service Credit Billings May Expire Early Based on Member Election


Depending on the retirement plan your employees elect during the MPSERS 2012 Reform, an open billing statement may expire earlier than the June 30, 2013, expiration date printed on the statement.  If your employees’ election choice reduces their pension factor to 1.25% (Option 3 or Option 2, once they reach attainment or 30 years of service), their billing statement will expire on January 31, 2013, or when they reach 30 years of service, whichever comes first. If your employees elect the Defined Contribution Plan (Option 4), their billing statements will expire on January 31, 2013. 


As soon as they are available, the new actuarial rates will be posted to the member website at under Service Credit – Earning and Purchasing - Calculating Actuarial Cost.


Members with current open Member Billing Statements will be sent a letter informing them of these changes.


If you have any questions, please contact