Reform Alert # 20 – Temporary Court Order Still in Place; Election Window Remains Open

MPSERS reform

October 29, 2012

Reform Alert # 20 – Temporary Court Order Still in Place; Election Window Remains Open

PA 300 of 2012 set the date for the election window to close on October 26. The court has said thus far that the October 26th date is not the end date of the election window, and anyone who has made an election can change it if the statute is found unconstitutional. The practical effect of this, while the temporary restraining order is still in place, is that the election window remains open and it is anticipated that elections will not take effect until after the window closes, a date that has not, at this time, been determined.

Not knowing when it would be lifted, ORS was required to support our members by encouraging them to log into miAccount to understand their choices. While the window remains open, members may continue to educate themselves through miAccount and adjust their elections if they choose, as long as the election window remains open. Please offer assistance to employees who do not have access to computers, and encourage employees to use miAccount.

While the election window implementation date may change, you should continue to prepare for a December 1, 2012 implementation date for new reporting requirements.