Reform Alert # 7 - 2012 MPSERS Reform Overview Employer Webinars
Michigan Office of Retirement Services sent this bulletin at 09/07/2012 10:01 AM EDT
September 7, 2012
Reform Alert # 7 - 2012 MPSERS Reform Overview Employer Webinars
The Office of Retirement Services is inviting you to participate in one of the 2012 MPSERS Reform webinars for employers. This is an opportunity for you to learn more about the reform and help us ensure that we are providing information that will help employers with every aspect of implementing the changes this reform makes.
This webinar is a high level overview of the 2012 MPSERS Reform including:
- Employer Contribution Rate
- New hires
- Pension changes
- Health changes
- Election window
- Reporting changes
To Register for a Session
Registration is required. There is limited seating, so don’t delay. Register now! Click on the link below see the dates and times available.,2496,7-284-60460_60487---,00.html
If you have any questions, please contact Employer Reporting at
Thank you!
Office of Retirement Services