Mayor Rawlings-Blake Provides Update on Virginia Earthquake Effects


Stephanie Rawlings-Blake


Baltimore City

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Ryan O’Doherty





Mayor Rawlings-Blake Provides Update on Virginia Earthquake Effects 


BALTIMORE, MD. (August 23, 2011) – UPDATE:  Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is advising city residents that an earthquake has been reported South of Richmond, Virginia of 5.8 magnitude. There have been no reports of major damage in the City at this time. Mayor Rawlings-Blake has convened a meeting of City First Responders and City Agency heads to conduct a preliminary assessment of the effects of the earthquake in Baltimore. There have been no reports of major injuries or damage in the City in the City at this time. 

 Mayor Rawlings-Blake provided the following update to citizens:

  • 911 is fully operationally and responding to all emergencies. All nine Police Districts are fully-staffed and additional resources have been deployed.
  • Mayor Rawlings-Blake has ordered an inspection of structurally-deficient City bridges.
  • Mayor Rawlings-Blake has ordered the deployment of Special Traffic Officers to ensure the steady flow of traffic on major roadways. The Baltimore City Police helicopter is conducting an aerial survey of the city. 
  • As a precaution, the Mayor ordered an assessment of all city government buildings.
  • Mayor Rawlings-Blake ordered the Department of Housing and Community Development to assess vacant structures.

"At this time, we ask residents to remain calm as we continue to assess any impact the Virginia earthquake could have had on property and services in the city of Baltimore," said Mayor Rawlings-Blake.



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