ISL Volunteer Quarterly: May 2013

Volunteer @ the State Library

Recent News & Opportunities for State Library Volunteers

May 2013


Volunteer Quarterly Editorial Team:

Daina Bohr: Volunteer Coordinator  

Leigh Anne Johnson, Volunteer Liaison

Maggie Ansty: Indiana Talking Books Supervisor 


Contact Us  

Volunteer Services 
Indiana State Library 
315 West Ohio Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
Phone: (317) 232-3689 to request an application.

The Volunteer Quarterly is a publication of the Indiana State Library, distributed quarterly in an electronic format. Past issues are archived in the State Library's Newsroom



Volunteer Opportunities @ the State Library


The Indiana State Library welcomes those who are interested in sharing their time and talents through volunteering. Volunteering  provides a friendly environment in which volunteers work alongside staff to provide enhanced access to Library collections, services, and programs. 

Volunteers have the satisfaction of helping to complete projects that could not be done without them. Many of the projects involve working with unique historical materials and unusual collections which are held in the Library and provide an opportunity to contribute to the preservation of Indiana history and  enhance access to Indiana's heritage. 

Becoming a Volunteer

Volunteer Opportunities

Virtual Volunteering


Volunteer Cake

Dozens Honored at Volunteer Appreciation Reception

The Indiana State Library recently honored it's invaluable volunteers at an afternoon reception on Friday April 26, 2013.  The event was catered by CJ’s Sweet Creations and Catering, and the menu included a scrumptious cake, cupcakes, mini wraps, fruit, veggies, a layered taco dip, and to drink, coffee, water, and a delightful strawberry-lemonade.   

The Volunteer Coordinator, Daina Bohr, and the Volunteer Liaison, Leigh Anne Johnson awarded the first Volunteer of the Year Award to Yvonne Carey. Yvonne put in over 300 hours volunteering for the Talking Books & Braille Library processing the books on tape as they are returned to the library. The Volunteer of the Year plaque with Yvonne Carey’s name on it will be installed in the library and the names of future volunteers who win the award will be added.   

Volunteers who worked between 100 – 300 hours were awarded an ISL Volunteer Cap, and all the volunteers received a “Thank you” chocolate bar. Speakers at the program included Connie Bruder, Associate Director, Stephanie Gowler, Conservationist, Drake Land, Indiana Voices, Maggie Ansty, Talking Books & Braille Library, Andrea Glenn, State Documents, Amy Summer, Newspapers, Connie Rendfeld, Digital Initiatives Librarian, Daina Bohr, Volunteer Coordinator, and Leigh Anne Johnson, Volunteer Liaison.  Each speaker spoke about his or her division’s volunteer projects and what types of work the volunteers do in their respective areas.  We are very glad to have had the opportunity to show our appreciation to our volunteers who make so many projects possible.

Thanks again to all the volunteers of the Indiana State Library and the Indiana Historical Bureau!

Volunteer Projects Display

ISL Display Highlights Volunteer Contributions

A display was created for Volunteer Appreciation Week April 21-27, 2013 to honor the volunteers who do so much for the Indiana State Library and the Indiana Historical Bureau. The display includes examples of the types of volunteer projects that are available at the Indiana State Library and the Historical Bureau. The Historical Markers program, Indiana Memory, Manuscripts, Conservation, and the Indiana Voices projects were just a few of the projects that our wonderful volunteers help develop at the Indiana State Library and Historical Bureau.

The display was created by Volunteer Coordinator, Daina Bohr, and set up with the assistance of the Volunteer Liaison, Leigh Anne Johnson.  

A picture of the display was posted on the Indiana State Library’s Facebook page and received 330 views the first day.    We are hoping that it will inspire people who viewed the display to become interested in volunteering at the Indiana State Library and the Indiana Historical Bureau.   If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Daina Bohr, Volunteer Coordinator, at or by phone at 317-232-3689.