The Ward 5 Report: Office of Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie

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The Ward 5 Report:
Office of Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie

May 24, 2013


Ward 5 Highlights:

McDuffie Secures Major Funding for Critical Ward 5 Priorities

This week, the Council of the District of Columbia unanimously voted in favor of the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Request Act and the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Support Act. Councilmember McDuffie oversaw the budget of the Committee on Government Operations and worked tirelessly to contribute to a balanced and fair budget as a member of the Committees on Human Services, Economic Development, Transportation and Environment, and Workforce and Community Affairs.

“Over the past several months, the Council has worked collaboratively to deliver a solid budget. We made investments that will improve the quality of life for residents, strengthen our social safety net, and promote economic growth throughout the city,” said Councilmember McDuffie.

Click here to read highlights of Councilmember McDuffie’s FY14 Budget Priorities.

Councilmember McDuffie Honors Phenomenal Youth from Around the District

 Councilmember McDuffie Honors Phenomenal Youth from Around the District

This week, Councilmember McDuffie served as the keynote speaker at the Thurgood Marshall Center Trust’s “Phenomenal Youth 2013” program. In his speech, McDuffie shared his insights and hopes for the accomplished group of D.C. youth. The eight students were selected based on a variety of criteria including their ability to overcome adversity, grades, community service and personal essays submitted.

“It is you young people, you are the real reason we are here today,” said Councilmember McDuffie. “Your achievements in the realms of scholarship, leadership, and community service are being honored here tonight. An honor such as this is a wonderful way for the community to recognize and celebrate the choices, and sometimes the sacrifices, you have made.”

For additional information on the Thurmond Marshall Center visit

Councilmember McDuffie Attends Breakfast Bites with FoRIA

 Councilmember McDuffie with FoRIA

This week, Councilmember McDuffie joined the Friends of Rhode Island Avenue (FoRIA) for their Breakfast Bites to learn more about their organization and to engage Rhode Island Avenue, NE business owners. FoRIA is an organization that seeks to embrace walkable urban neighborhoods in the communities of Woodridge, Brookland, Langdon and beyond. During the meeting, Councilmember McDuffie provided an update from his office and had an open dialogue with new and existing businesses along Rhode Island Avenue. The meeting provided an opportunity to exchange relevant information and ideas and identify ways to expand opportunities for existing businesses along the corridor. For more information on the event and FoRIA, click here.

Councilmember McDuffie Drops by the Afterschool Program at Edgewood’s Beacon House

 Councilmember McDuffie Drops by the Afterschool Program at Edgewood’s Beacon House

To acknowledge and celebrate the positive impact of afterschool programs on the lives of young people and the hard work of youth workers in the District, Councilmember McDuffie participated in the “Take Your Councilmember to Your Afterschool Program Month.” The program organized by the D.C. Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation seeks to raise awareness of the skills and talents of those who dedicate their lives to working with our youth and the benefits reaped by young people as a result of that commitment. Click here to learn about the benefits of afterschool programming in the District.

Councilmember McDuffie Addresses Traffic Concerns at Friendship Charter Public School in Woodridge

 Councilmember McDuffie Addresses Traffic Concerns at Friendship Charter Public School in Woodridge

This week at Friendship Public Charter School, Woodridge Campus, Councilmember McDuffie and Principal Rictor Craig discussed traffic concerns and its impact on the students' safety. As a result of the minimal traffic signs, speed bumps, and crossing guards around the schools perimeter, a student was struck by a speeding car. Councilmember McDuffie and his office are working directly with the District Department of Transportation to implement new traffic signs, and additional crossing guards at the intersection of Central and Carlton Streets, NW.

Legislative Updates:

Committee on Government Operations Holds Hearing on Bill to Change the Primary Election Date

On May 29, Councilmember McDuffie, Chair of the Committee on Government Operations, will convene a public hearing on B20-0245, the “Board of Elections Petition Circulation Requirements Amendment Act of 2013” and B20-0265, the “District of Columbia Primary Date Alteration Amendment Act of 2013.” This public hearing will be held in Room 123 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW at 11:00 a.m.

The purpose of this hearing is to give the public the opportunity to comment on these measures. B20-0245, the “Board of Elections Petition Circulation Requirements Amendment Act of 2013,” would abolish the voter registration and residency requirements for circulators of petitions. B20-0265, the “District of Columbia Primary Date Alteration Amendment Act of 2013,” would alter the date of District of Columbia primary elections for the President of the United States, the Council of the District of Columbia and the District of Columbia Delegate to the House of Representatives.

Persons wishing to testify may contact Ronan Gulstone at (202) 478-2456 or email If you are unable to attend, but wish to provide comments, you may submit written testimony to the Office of Councilmember McDuffie (Room 506) or via email to Ronan Gulstone within ten days of the hearing.


Ward 5 Kicks off the 2013 Season at District’s Pools

The Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) officially opens the 2013 pool season for the pools, spray parks and other water-recreation facilities at the Harry Thomas, Sr. Pool. The Harry Thomas, Sr. Pool was voted by the Washington City Paper Staff as D.C.’s Best Pool in their 2013 WCP Best of the Best poll. DPR operates 19 outdoor pools, 11 spray parks and four children’s pools that open beginning on Saturday, May 25th, at 12 p.m. The District’s outdoor aquatic facilities will remain open the entire Memorial Day weekend and Monday, May 27th from 12 p.m. until 6 p.m. District residents who can show accepted proof of residency can swim free of charge at all DPR pools. Non-District residents must pay a fee.

D.C. Agencies to Observe Memorial Day:

Department of Public Works (DPW)

DPW announced that services will be affected Monday, May 27th, when the District observes Memorial Day. Trash and recycling collections and street and alley cleaning will be suspended. Parking enforcement will be suspended, except in the Nationals Stadium neighborhood. All services will resume on Tuesday, May 28th.

D.C. Public Library

The D.C. Pubic Library will be closed in observation of Memorial Day on Monday, May 27th. Normal hours will resume the following day.

D.C. Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)

In observance of Memorial Day, all D.C. DMV locations will be closed on Saturday, May 25th and Monday, May 27th. All DMV service centers, adjudication services, and inspection stations will resume regular business hours on Tuesday, May 28th. Customers are encouraged to plan ahead as the days before and after a holiday are usually busy.

13th Annual Public Private Partnership Conference

Join the Office of Partnerships and Grant Services’ (OPGS) and the Center for Nonprofit Advancement on Friday, June 7th for the 13th Annual Public Private Partnership Conference. This comprehensive day of learning and networking will connect residents with leaders from across the region and resources to move them towards greater sustainability.

Sessions will be held at The World Bank, Preston Auditorium, located at 1818 H Street, NW and will provide learning opportunities for all levels in financial management, social media, fundraising and partnerships. Join OPGS to network across the community and build relationships for funding, partnerships and more. Click here for more information and to register.

**Ward 5 Events:

Councilmember McDuffie, or a member of his staff, will attend the following events:

Tuesday, May 28th – The Trinidad Neighborhood Association meeting will take place at the Joe Cole Recreation Center, located at 1299 Neal Street, NE, beginning at 7:00 p.m.

** Councilmember McDuffie’s public schedule is subject to change.