Media Release: Governor Mead Pleased With Wild Horse Decision

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State Capitol
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Ph. (307) 777-7437

March 5, 2015


David Bush
Communications Director

Governor Mead Pleased With Wild Horse Decision

Governor Matt Mead was pleased with U.S. District Judge Nancy Freudenthal’s decision to allow the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to remove more than 1200 wild horses from checkerboard lands in southwestern Wyoming. The State of Wyoming had intervened on the side of the Department of Interior (DOI), the BLM, and the Rock Springs Grazing Association.

“The decision is a victory for the State of Wyoming. The BLM used the appropriate tool to remove wild horses from private lands and this decision supports that. However, the BLM has demonstrated they don’t have the resources necessary to effectively manage wild horses. We will continue to insist that they develop a strategy that works for Wyoming,” said Governor Mead.

The Court upheld the state’s position that BLM has the authority under the Wild Horse Act to remove wild horses from all checkerboard lands upon request from a private landowner. The horses were removed from Adobe Town, Salt Wells Creek, and Great Divide Basin Herd Management areas.

“It’s not a question of whether or not there should be wild horses - there should be. But they must be appropriately managed,” Governor Mead said.  




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