Contact Kari Eakins, Communications Director, at or 307-777-2053.
CHEYENNE - State Superintendent Jillian Balow released the following statement on the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) being signed into law:
"This legislation gives states the flexibility and authority necessary to be more responsive to the needs of their schools and districts. Thanks to ESSA we now have an unprecedented opportunity to increase opportunities for all students while maintaining high accountability.
“Thank you to our federal delegation for their hard work and open dialogue with the Wyoming Department of Education. No piece of federal legislation is without challenges, but Senator Enzi's work on the conference committee gave Wyoming and other rural states a strong voice at the table. Congress acknowledged that states and local educators are best situated to improve schools, not federal officials in Washington, D.C.
“Wyoming's decision not to obtain a No Child Left Behind waiver has positioned us well for the transition into ESSA. Thank you to our legislature and education leaders for their diligence in creating Wyoming's innovative state education accountability framework. We look forward to continuing this great work for Wyoming's kids.”
ESSA reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and replaces No Child Left Behind. An updated FAQ on accountability can be found here:
Superintendent Balow will hold a press conference on ESSA with Joint Education Committee Co-Chairs Senator Hank Coe and Representative David Northrup at approximately 12:15 p.m. on Monday, December 14 at the Wort Hotel in Jackson, Wyo. Members of the media may join in person or by phone by dialing 1-888-670-9530.
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