The Current | January 16, 2015

2015 legislative session • January 16, 2015 

The Current

Letter from Leadership 

Dear Friend:  

The 105-day legislative session is underway. State lawmakers were sworn in Monday, including 10 new Washington House Republicans. You can learn more about them in this blog post.

On Tuesday, the governor gave his state of the state addressRep. Norma Smith provided the Republican response. You can watch it here and read it here. She then joined House Republican and Senate Majority Coalition Caucus leadership in a news conference

The Republican response and news conference offer a contrast with what the governor is proposing, including a 15 percent increase in state spending and $1.5 billion in new tax increases. You may recall, as a candidate the governor said several times he was against new tax increases. As these three articles show, Democrats have not only expressed their concerns but also disappointment with the governor's controversial proposals. 

To the governor's credit, he has put some ideas on the table. We share many of the same goals as the governor, including a stronger economy, better student performance and a clean environment, but differ on approaches. That's what makes the legislative process so important.

Olympia is not Washington, D.C. You can make a difference in your citizen Legislature. Here are some ideas on how you can become involved. 

We will send you this e-newsletter periodically throughout the legislative session and hope you find it informative. If for any reason you would like to unsubscribe, you can do so through a link at the bottom of this page. If you know of anyone who would like to receive this e-newsletter, they can sign up here.

Have a nice weekend.
In your service,

Rep. Dan Kristiansen
House Republican Leader
39th District


Did you know?

New Washington House Republican Rep. Melanie Stambaugh is the youngest woman to serve in the Legislature since 1936. She represents the 25th District. Learn more about her here.


Solutions in focus: Fund Education First

Since 2006, Washington House Republicans have supported a solution called Fund Education First. Rep. Drew MacEwen, R-Union, is sponsoring the latest version of the legislation this year. Learn more about it here.

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