 The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) is
seeking public comment on a proposal to require municipal securities dealers to
disclose on retail customer confirmations the amount of the mark-up in a class
of principal transactions.
Under the mark-up proposal, dealers acting as principal
would be required to disclose to retail customers their mark-up from the
prevailing market price of a municipal security if the dealer makes a
corresponding trade within two hours of the customer trade.
Comments on the draft amendments to MSRB Rule G-15 should be submitted no later than November 20, 2015.
View Regulatory Notice 2015-16.
Upcoming Events
 October 29, 2015: Request for Comment on Draft Rule Amendments to MSRB Rule G-15 Webinar
During this free webinar, MSRB staff will provide an overview of the Request for Comment on Draft Rule Amendments to MSRB Rule G-15 to require municipal securities dealers to disclose the amount of the mark-up on retail customer confirmations for specified principal transactions. To support market participants' submission of comment letters, this webinar will review the key provisions of the draft rule amendments. Register for the webinar.
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