NLRB News: Lintrac Services Complies with Settlement Agreement

Office of Public Affairs

Lintrac Services Complies with Settlement Agreement

June 16, 2014

On January 31, 2013, the NLRB’s Chicago Regional Office issued a Complaint against Lintrac, a corporation engaged in the maintenance and repair of tractor trailer chaises and box cars in Northlake, Ill. The complaint alleged that Lintrac unlawfully fired its employees. Throughout the entire investigation of the charge and even after the Complaint issued, the Employer refused to acknowledge and respond to the allegations.

Since Lintrac failed to file an answer to the Complaint, the Board on April 17, 2013, directed Lintrac to make employees whole for all loss of earnings that they suffered as a result of the unlawful terminations. On July 8, and October 28, 2013, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit entered judgment enforcing the Board’s order. Lintrac continued to be unresponsive, and on March 14, 2014, the Region initiated garnishment proceedings against one of Lintrac’s clients, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.

Soon after the garnishment proceedings began, Lintrac contacted the Regional Office and subsequently requested to engage in settlement discussions. Lintrac agreed to pay backpay to the employees they had unlawfully fired and waived contesting that the Board could seek an Order directing the payment of funds held by Lintrac’s clients. As stated in the settlement agreement, on May 21, 2014, Lintrac made an electronic transfer to the Board for backpay in the amount of $32,000, and on June 2, 2014, Lintrac’s client made an electronic transfer to the Board for backpay in the amount of $7,000.

Having complied with the terms of the settlement agreement the Board will provide Lintrac with a Satisfaction of Judgment and will seek an order from the District Court quashing the writ of garnishment closing the case.
