TRICARE Standard Health Matters e-Newsletter: 2013

TRICARE Standard Health Matters e-Newsletter
September 2013

A 10-page newsletter for TRICARE Standard beneficiaries. This issue includes articles about the benefits of TRICARE Standard, going online to find TRICARE providers, TRICARE covered services that help keep kids healthy, how TRICARE meets the minimum essential coverage requirements under the Affordable Care Act, using TRICARE with other health insurance, the Applied Behavior Analysis Pilot program for non-active duty family members, and traveling with TRICARE Standard. The newsletter also details how to prepare for a disaster, connecting with TRICARE on your mobile device, accessing TRICARE resources online, signing up for TRICARE e-mail updates, choosing the right supplemental insurance plan, how TRICARE For Life beneficiaries may pay more when seeking care at Veterans Affairs facilities, eligibility for young adults in the TRICARE Young Adult program, Social Security number (SSN) removal and claims filing, and providing your SSN in DEERS.

To download a copy of this newsletter, visit

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The TRICARE Management Activity administers the worldwide health care plan for 9.6 million eligible beneficiaries of the uniformed services, retirees and their families.