As a primary mission, the Defense Health Agency focuses on the patient, and toward that end we work to ensure exceptional care for wounded, ill and injured service members. However, November is an especially important time for those working in the field of warrior care.
Wearing a uniform and being part of the U.S. military often means that service members are leaner, faster and more agile than their non-uniformed peers. But even with the importance of readiness and physical fitness to service members, the smoking rate is still higher than that of civilians. Twenty-five percent of active duty service members smoke cigarettes compared to eighteen percent in the U.S. adult population. That’s not all that’s lagging.
Recently, Hospital Corpsmen aboard aircraft carrier USS George Washington coordinated with Explosive Ordnance Disposal Platoon 3-1-1 and Chilean Special Forces (CSF) for a tactical combat casualty care (TCCC) and subject matter exchange.