U.S. Copyright Office, NewsNet Issue 602

Copyright Newsnet

NewsNet 602
December 1, 2015

U.S. Copyright Office Announces Strategic Plan for 2016-2020

strategic planRegister of Copyrights Maria A. Pallante today released the Copyright Office’s Strategic Plan, setting forth the Office’s performance objectives for the next five years. The Plan reflects significant public feedback over the past several years, and outlines additional public processes regarding IT and data objectives.

"The Plan presents six major goals covering technology, services, staffing, and administrative practice, and discusses a number of funding strategies,” Pallante said. "At a time when there is an exponential increase in the ways we can create, distribute, and consume copyrighted works, neither the Copyright Office nor the copyright laws can stand still," the Register stated. "This Strategic Plan is not a magic bullet for the future, but it is transparent, flexible, and innovative. If implemented, it will transform the Copyright Office into a model for twenty-first century government."

Read the Plan here. A limited number of paper copies are available upon request.