Reset - It's a New Day and a New Year
By: Lee Ann Bennett, Clerk of Court
Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe that 2015 is behind us
and that 2016 has already begun. In the
last issue of the Court Connection, Chief Judge Williamson shared his vision of
continuing the work started by Judge Jennemann during her term as Chief Judge. He shared that Judge Jennemann’s mantra was
“Think Bottom-Up, Not Top Down” on her quest of “Thinking District-wide.” Chief Judge Williamson will continue that
quest with his mantra “One Court, One Team.”
In his article, he highlighted the accomplishments achieved during 2015
and rightly gave credit to all involved.
We are fortunate to have not only our staff involved in our quest but
also members of the bar associations, the trustees, and the United States Trustee’s
office. We are thrilled so many of you
will continue to serve on various committees, all of which contribute to the
excellence of our Court. So, I wish to
start the New Year by thanking you for your continued service to the Court.
Click here for the full article.
 Pro Bono Corner
Helping the legal community
2015 Year End Statistics from the Pro Se Clinics
Both the Tampa and Orlando Pro Se Clinics finished 2015 with some impressive numbers to report.
- The Tampa clinic closed out the year with 268 hours volunteered out of 325 available hours.
- Orlando's clinic saw 361 clients over the year with a total of 466 hours volunteered by local attorneys.
Thank you to the attorneys who volunteered their time and to everyone who helped contribute to make it such a successful year.
Click here for more statistics and to read the full report.

you to David Garcide who helped the Court with a difficult, heart-wrenching
case of a pro se single mother of three who had no hope of saving her home based
on her lack of income and the unavailability of a modification option, given
that her lender was a private investor.
David took her outside to explain the finances that are necessary for a
successful cure-and-pay plan. She agreed
to give up her fight, and then she got a cash- for-keys deal that enabled her
to have a rent deposit and funds to assist with her move.
In the Trustee Spotlight:
Robert Altman, Chapter 7 Trustee, Jacksonville Division
By: Timothy S. Laffredi, Orlando Office of the U.S. Trustee
Robert Altman is a Chapter 7 Panel Trustee for the Middle District of Florida, Jacksonville Division. Bob was appointed to the Panel in November 2002. Prior to his appointment as a Chapter 7 Trustee, Bob was already a well-established and well-respected member of the bankruptcy legal community in the Middle District. Bob devotes 85% of his practice to bankruptcy, and his extensive experience runs the bankruptcy gamut. Aside from his work as Chapter 7 Trustee, Bob has represented debtors, creditors, and other Chapter 7 trustees. Bob has also been involved in over 100 Chapter 11 cases; has
represented debtors, has represented creditors’ committees, and has been
appointed as a Chapter 11 Trustee.
Click here to read the full article.
 Court Committee
Court Procedures Drafting Committee: The Procedures Drafting Committee has finalized
its drafting procedures on Schedules and Statements filed after the Petition,
Motion to Modify Confirmed Plan, Motion for/Notice of 2004 Exam, Chapter 11
Closing and Rent Deposits.
Click here for the complete update.
 Court Outreach Committee
‘Tis the Season of Giving. The Clerk’s Office and Chambers staff across the district, through activities arranged by the Outreach Committee, came together to give back to a variety of organizations in their communities.
Click here for the full report.
 IT News
The latest tech news and information
Cyber Security Brief
By: Laurie Ellwood, Network Administrator
Tax Season is Identity Theft Season. The IRS, the states, and the tax industry are introducing even more safeguards this year. Here's what you need to know and tips to protect yourself.
Click here for the full article.
Dear Point and Click:
Answers to technical questions
Question: I have to serve an order in an Adversary Proceeding and
all the parties received notice of the entry of the order via CM/ECF. Must I also
prepare and file a Proof of Service?
Answer: In short, the answer is no. In any situation
where all required recipients received the order via CM/ECF activity emails, no
proof of service is needed. This happens primarily in Adversary Proceedings.
Click here for the complete answer.
Is there a CM/ECF-related question you'd like to see answered in a future edition of the Court Connection? Send your question to
 Court Services
Chief Justice Roberts highlights recent
rules amendments.
Justice John Roberts recently issued his 2015 Year-End Report on the federal judiciary.
In his Year-End Report, Chief Justice Roberts announced recent amendments to
the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. While conceding that “[m]any rules
amendments are modest and technical, even persnickety,” Chief Justice Roberts
explained that the 2015 amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure—the
product of five years of intense study, debate, and drafting—are different. In
fact, it is because the changes are so significant that Chief Justice Roberts
chose his Year-End Report to highlight them.
Click here for more information and to read the full report.
Court Makes it Easier
to Refinance or Modify a Mortgage on Homestead Property.
November 16, 2015, the Court issued a new administrative order (FLMB-2015-9)
that grants relief from the discharge injunction to allow a secured creditor to
enter into a refinance or modification agreement with a debtor. That new
administrative order applies when the debtor
initiates a request to refinance or modify a debt secured by a lien on
homestead property only. Importantly, if the debtor refinances or modifies an
existing debt secured by a lien on homestead property, the debtor may become
liable for the entire amount owed under the new (refinanced or modified) loan.
 Case Law Update
Submitted By:
Bradley M. Saxton & C. Andrew Roy
Winderweedle Ward Haines and Woodman, P.A.
Supreme Court Cases
Husky Int'l Electronics v. Ritz, No. 15-145 [Argument set for March 1, 2016]
Eleventh Circuit Cases
v. McFarland (In re McFarland) 619
F. App'x 962 (11th Cir. Oct. 16, 2015)
v. Horne (In re Horne) --- F. App'x ----, 2015
WL 65000754 (11th Cir. Oct. 28, 2015)
Bankruptcy Court Cases
Hanson v. Brown (In
re Brown) 541 B.R. 906 (Bankr.
M.D. Fla Dec. 8, 2015) (Jennemann, J.)
In re Mullen 2015 WL 8252928
(Bankr. M.D. Fla. Nov. 16, 2015) (Glenn, J.)
In re HWA Properties 2016 WL 67786 (Bankr.
M.D. Fla. Jan. 6, 2016) (Delano, J.)
Click here for the Complete Case Law Update.
 Local Bar Associations
News and events from your local bar association
Good news from the Jacksonville Bankruptcy Bar Association!
silent auction and other donations at the December 16, 2015 JBBA Holiday party
raised over $2,000 for BLES.
Pro Se Legal Clinic hosted by JALA (Jacksonville Area Legal Aid) is fully
staffed by two attorneys each month for 2016.
The Central Florida Bankruptcy Law Association finished up 2015 with a successful Holiday Party and kicks off 2016 with some great events ahead.
Click here for the CFBLA quarterly report.
The Southwest Florida Bankruptcy Professional
Association’s Annual Alexander L. Paskay Memorial Bankruptcy Professionals
Dinner was held on Thursday, October 15, 2015.
Click here to see who was honored at the event.
 Local Bar Events
Across the Middle District
Click here for the
complete list with event descriptions.
January 28 @ 12:00
pm Monthly Luncheon
February 25 @ 12:00
pm State of the District
March 24 @ 12:00
pm Monthly Luncheon
February 3 @ 12:00
pm State of the District
March 9 @ 12:00
pm Monthly
January 28 @ 11:45 am OCBA Monthly Luncheon
January 29 @ 12:00 pm OCBA Bankruptcy Law Meeting
February 6 @ 11:00 am OCBA 4th Annual Diversity Picnic
February 18 @ 12:00
pm State of the District
February 25 @ 11:45 am OCBA Monthly Luncheon
February 25 @ 5:30 pm Evening with the Judiciary
March 17 @ 12:00
pm CFBLA Monthly Luncheon
Annual Seminar
January 25 @ 5:30
pm Ch. 13 Judicial Liaison
February 2 @ 12:00
pm Consumer Lunch
February 4 @ 5:00
pm TBBBA Happy Hour
February 9 @ 12:00
pm State of the District
March 8 @ 12:00
pm CLE
March 17 @ 12:00 pm Judge McEwen's Mentoring Session
March 21 @ 5:30 pm Ch. 7 Judicial Liaison Meeting
April 5 @ 12:00
pm Consumer
April 8 @ 12:00
pm TBBBA 18th Annual
Golf Tournament
April 12 @ 12:00
pm CLE