The Delaware Docket - 2nd Quarter 2015


From the Clerk

Welcome to this edition of “The Delaware Docket”.  In addition to our regular features we have added “By the Numbers”.  This section will track our case filings by category through the use of graphs and charts.  We update these numbers on a monthly basis; and they form the basis for our staffing allocation.  This issue also showcases the informative visual display in our intake area flat screen monitor designed to better assist the public.  The Court Staff work very hard to not only provide the needed support to our Judges; but also provide superior service to the Bar and the Public who utilize our services.  We invite and appreciate your feedback. 

David D. Bird , Clerk of Court

Who to Call...(or email)

For efiling or general clerk's office questions

CM/ECF Helpdesk - 302-252-2887 or 

For CM/ECF technical support or attorney registration questions

Tech Helpdesk - 302-252-2949 

To provide advance notification of an incoming Chapter 11  - 302-252-2914

(Note: do not disclose the name of the debtor that will be filing) 

All media related questions/concerns - 


When filing motions for pro hac vice, please enter the name of the specific party that is being represented. (i.e. not "several utility creditors")