 Do you have Questions while FAITAS is Unavailable?
Have you been asking questions such as "How do I request training while FAITAS is unavailable?", "My certification is expiring, what do I do?", or "How do I submit a CLP request?". Check out these FAITAS FAQs for all the answers!
 GSA Order Level Materials (OLM) Rule
The General Services Administration (GSA) is amending the General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) to clarify the authority to acquire order-level materials (OLMs) when placing an individual task or delivery order against a Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) contract or FSS blanket purchase agreement (BPA). OLMs are supplies and/or services acquired in direct support of an individual task or delivery order placed against an FSS contract or BPA, when the supplies and/or services are not known at the time of contract or BPA award. Federal Register Notice.
 Free SBA Webinar on the Woman-Owned Small Business Program
Join the SBA on March 7, 2018 at 2:00 PM for a FREE Webinar on the Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Program. No pre-registration is required, simply login to this site 10 minutes before 2:00 PM and dial into the webinar at 1-877-369-5243, access code 0560831##.
 Fantastic Free Instructor-led Training!!
Though FAITAS is currently unavailable, FAI still has great training opportunities available to the Federal acquisition workforce. The list of classes for which FAI has open seats is updated here. Use these registration procedures and forms to register for these classes. As always, FAI's training is free of charge - there is no tuition cost to students or their agencies.
 PMs & CORs - Keep Informed with the Latest News
Join the FedPM & COR Communities of Practice (CoP) to receive the latest news and updates on government wide events. Bring your questions and discussion topics and interact with your colleagues from across the federal government. The FedPM CoP Events and Training Calendar also gives you an overview of all of our activities. Please visit the FedPM CoP Working Groups website, select a group, and edit the Member List to add your contact information @ FedPM CoP.
 Eight Best-in-Class Solutions Maintain Designation for a Second Year
Several Best-in-Class solutions have successfully completed their annual reviews, reaffirming their respective designations for another year. Continued use of these Best-in-Class contracts will save agencies money and support small business utilization while reducing duplicate contracts and streamlining the acquisition process. In FY17, these Best-in-Class solutions resulted in more than $2.7 billion in reported government-wide savings plus an additional $298.4 million in SmartPay refunds; $210.9 million in spend on these solutions went to small businesses.
Best-in-Class solutions report at least quarterly on savings, performance, and transactional pricing data. The Government-wide Category Management Dashboards are being updated to allow all Federal users to view this data in the future.