Drawing on some novel approaches from around the world, Dr. Scott Gabree, an experimental psychologist, provided an overview of a variety of countermeasures that are being considered by railroads in an attempt to prevent deaths...more
A simple yet promising technology has been proven to save the lives of bicyclists and pedestrians on roadways. That’s why cities such as Boston are taking the initiative to require a new piece of equipment on large trucks...more
Volpe's new speaker series, Transportation and the Economy, brings together thought leaders and decision makers to discuss key issues related to transportation and its effects on economic growth...more
Dr. Yossi Sheffi, a professor of transportation logistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, recently discussed logistics clusters at the first event in Volpe’s newest speaker series Transportation and the Economy...more
Volpe Staff at Local and National Events
Volpe staff were featured at a number of key engagements in October, including the following:
Dr. Stephen Popkin discussed the prevalence, impact, and dangers of drowsy driving on the nation’s roadways during the National Transportation Safety Board’s (NTSB) one-day forum titled, “Awake, Alert, Alive: Overcoming the Dangers of Drowsy Driving.” Held in Washington, D.C., on October 21, this forum was in response to the growing concern about driver fatigue on the Nation’s highways.
Dr. David Jeong delivered the keynote presentation at the Fifth Symposium on Railroad Tank Cars entitled “FRA Hazmat Tank Car Research: Safety Issues Facing the Tank Car Industry” on October 13. The symposium, part of the 2014 Material Science and Technology Conference, was held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Coralie Cooper presented on a panel titled “Aerodynamic Based Regulatory Activity” at the Society of Automotive Engineers Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress in Rosemont, Illinois on October 7. Cooper and other experts from the National Academy of Sciences, Engine Manufacturers Association, Natural Resources Canada, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency discussed the regulatory environment associated with improving commercial vehicle aerodynamics and methods.