New Hazard Analysis Tool; Economists, FAA Ensure Accuracy of High-Profile Numbers; and more

Volpe, The National Transportation Systems Center

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology

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Volpe The National Transportation Systems Center

U.S. Department of Transportation

Office of Research and Technology


New Hazard Analysis Tool Released to Public


Volpe recently released a new software tool that can assist transportation professionals in conducting hazard analyses. The Safety Hazard Analysis Tool (SafetyHAT) is a software tool that facilitates System Theoretic Process Analysis.

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extreme weather

Resilience and Climate Change Focus of Speaker Series

The 2013-2014 Volpe speaker series focused on transportation system resilience, extreme weather, and climate change.

Nationally recognized thought leaders and Volpe experts delivered talks at the Volpe facility in Cambridge, MA, that were available via webinar.

Check out the videos to view the talks.

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Economists, FAA Ensure Accuracy of High-Profile Numbers

Faced with a high level of public scrutiny and compressed timelines, the FAA turned to Volpe’s team of economists to help assess the costs and benefits of new pilot training rules...more

car buried in water

Experts Discuss Climate Change and Resiliency Planning

Two experts recently spoke on greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, and approaches to help transportation become more resilient...more


Unmanned Aircraft Systems Forecast Hits National Media

A Volpe report that provides projections on unmanned aircraft operations recently received national attention. Information from the report has been cited by news outlets across the country...more


New Tools Tackle Deteriorating Infrastructure

Thanks to SHRP2, transportation agencies are gaining new tools and approaches to reduce construction time, use improved methods and materials, reduce congestion, and improve safety...more

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