Volpe, The National Transportation Systems Center
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
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U.S. Department of Transportation Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology |
August 30, 2016 |
Small, efficient, and accurate wearable sensors have opened
up new levels of data granularity for transportation researchers. However,
there are hurdles to adopting their widespread use in transportation.
authors of a recent investigatory paper researched the state of the practice
for wearable sensors, and challenges in using them for transportation research.
Read on for the findings of their study.

Cities for and with People
September 8 12:00 - 12:45 p.m.
Jeff Risom, partner and
managing director at Gehl Studio in the U.S., will speak as part of Volpe’s
series The Future of Transportation:
Safety, Opportunity, and Innovation.
Ridesharing, Technology, and TDM in Campus Transportation: Lessons for
Statewide and Metropolitan Planning
September 8 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
FHWA, Volpe, and MIT will present research findings and
highlights from a case study on incorporating ridesharing technology and
innovative transportation demand management practices to reduce auto traffic
and parking demands on and around the MIT campus. The study was featured in a
recently released FHWA report on innovative practices at six university campuses.
Tuesday, September 13 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
This annual event features guest speakers from government agencies and private industry to discuss current cyber threats and best practices to combat them. It is open to staff from federal, tribal, and state agencies.
Learn more.
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From eliminating broken rails and combating punctured tank cars, to making stronger interfaces between rail ties and ballast, Volpe engineers help make passenger and freight rail travel safer. Check out our range of rail expertise that was on display at the 2016 Joint Rail Conference in Columbia, South Carolina...read more
Transportation professionals in the public and private sectors
work hard every day to make U.S. roads safe and efficient for all drivers.
Every two years, the Federal Highway Administration honors these professionals
with prestigious awards in environmental excellence, real property acquisition,
and transportation planning. Nomination deadlines are approaching for two of these award areas...read more
Successes in Stewardship marks 15 years of documenting successful practices in protecting water quality, wetlands, wildlife, historical sites, cultural areas, and parks while accelerating the completion of transportation projects nationwide. Read FHWA’s August 2016 anniversary issue to learn about the lasting results of three state DOT projects and the key to long-term successes in stewardship...read more
recently hosted its third annual training workshop aimed at enhancing and
sustaining maritime domain awareness around the world. International
participants acquired the necessary skills and knowledge to aid countries in
combating illicit maritime activity...read more
Volpe Staff at U.S. and International Events
Volpe staff were featured at the following events in August:
Hannah Rakoff presented the U.S. perspective on data anonymization at the Workshop on Data Anonymization and Feature Extraction in Gothenburg, Sweden, on August 31. Data anonymization is an issue of increasing importance as naturalistic driving studies collect troves of sensitive data, and concerns grow that analysis of multiple data sources could allow re-identification of seemingly anonymized data.
Emily Nodine presented Volpe study results at the Naturalistic Driving Symposium in Blacksburg, Virginia, on August 30. The one-year study was recently conducted on drivers’ adaptabilities to a forward collision warning system with automatic breaking.
Dr. Divya Chandra presented study results on understanding line pilot perspectives of instrument flight procedures complexity to FAA Metroplex team leads in Bedford, Massachusetts, on August 16. Metroplex teams are responsible for redesigning airspace around several major airports in the U.S. Volpe study results will help these teams improve safety by anticipating potential human factors issues during the design of new flight procedures and charts.
Luisa Paiewonsky facilitated the Regional Freight Data Collaboration and Standardization Forum in Orlando, Florida, on August 8-9. This was the first in a series of eight regional forums that will involve representatives from state Departments of Transportation and metropolitan planning organizations in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
William Baron presented the current status of a trespasser detection system deployed by Volpe in Brunswick, Maine, to the Institute of Transportation Engineers 2016 Annual Meeting in Anaheim, California, on August 14-17. The presentation described the unique system as it feeds live video of trespassers on the railroad right-of-way directly to local police.
- David Read discussed progress updates on Volpe’s aircraft noise certification efforts and discussed issues related to the validation process at FAA’s Recurrent Acoustics Seminar for Designated Engineering Representatives in Long Beach, California, on August 3.
 Aviation and Environment