new resource page offers information on truck side guards, which are safety
devices designed to keep pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists from being
run over by a large truck’s rear wheels in a side-impact collision.
City of Cambridge announced a partnership with Volpe to install side guards on
city-owned trucks in order to enhance safety for pedestrians and bicyclists and
to encourage private entities to do the same…more
Nearly half of bicyclists and more than one-quarter of pedestrians killed by a large truck first impact the side of a truck. View our latest infographic to see how a simple technology can save lives…more
city of the past is one where the rich drive cars and the poor take public
transportation,” said John Moavenzadeh, World Economic Forum USA officer, noting
the exponential growth in alternatives to vehicle ownership…more
is pleased to announce its official Twitter feed: @VolpeUSDOT. Follow us for
updates on research, events, infographics, news, and journal articles…more
Volpe currently has openings for fire protection engineers and program analysts. Find out more.
Volpe Staff at Local and National Events
Volpe staff were featured at key speaking engagements in
March and April, including the following:
Ritter discussed emergingvehicle
automation trends during a panel discussion at the Mass Technology Leadership
Council’s New Era ofRobotics Summit on April 29.
Hartnett co-presented a project overview of automotive cybersecurity
research with Dr. Daniel Massey, of the Department of Homeland Security, at the
SAE2015 World Congress on April 21 in Detroit, Michigan.
Dinning presented “Beyond Fare Collection: Next Stop Multimodal Payments”at the American Public Transportation
Association’s 2015 Revenue Management and
Fare Collection Summit on April 1 in Orlando, FL.
Dr. Scott
Gabree discussed rail trespassing and potential countermeasures to mitigate
rail suicide and unintentional casualties, and Marco daSilva discussed current intervention strategies to mitigate
railroad trespassing at the National Transportation Safety Board’s “Trains and Trespassing: Ending Tragic
Encounters” forum, held March 24-25 in Washington, D.C.
Several staff presented atthe 2015 Joint Rail
Conference, held March 23-26 in San Jose, CA. Presenters included Dr. Aviva Brecher,Adrian
Hellman, Karina Jacobsen, Brian Marquis, Patricia Llana, David Tyrell, and Hailing Yu.
Jacobsen gave a presentation on locomotive tank research for the Federal
Railroad Administration at the Fire Protection
of Rolling Stock Conference, held March 18-19 in Berlin, Germany.
Dr. Alex
Epstein gave a talk on truck side guards and how they can protect
vulnerable road users at the Lifesavers
National Conference on Highway Safety Priorities,held March 15-16 in Chicago, IL.
Dr. Kristin
Lewis and Peter Herzig gave a
presentation on alternative jet fuel development and deployment at the Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels
Initiative Research and Development Workshop, held March 9-10 in
Alexandria, VA.
Stephen Popkin presented on fatigue management to the Board of Directorsof the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety in Washington, D.C., on
March 5.