SPECIAL EDITION: National PrepareAthon! Day is Here

September 29, 2015

National PrepareAthon! Day is Here

Are you prepared? National PrepareAthon! Day is finally here and now is your time to take action! The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is encouraging individuals, families, workplaces, schools, and organizations across the nation to take part in National PrepareAthon! Day on September 30, 2015. Extreme weather is occurring more often across the United States, which is increasing the costs of natural disasters. According to a recent survey conducted by FEMA, fewer than half of Americans have discussed and developed an emergency plan with their household.

As part of National Preparedness Month and National PrepareAthon! Day, FEMA is encouraging everyone to take these simples steps to prepare for disasters:

To learn more about National PrepareAthon! Day and how you can participate, please read the full press release.

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Join the Periscope Live Event

On Wednesday, September 30, 2015 at 1PM ET, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate and National Hurricane Center Director Dr. Rick Knabb will host FEMA’s first Periscope video chat to discuss ways to participate in America’s PrepareAthon! and how to prepare your family for disasters. You don’t want to miss this exciting preparedness conversation!

Just follow these steps to participate:

1. Follow @CraigatFEMA on Twitter;

2. Download the Periscope mobile application for your Apple or Android device; and

3. Tap the hearts located on the right side of the video if you like the chat.

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Last Call: Support the CDC Thunderclap

Get ready! The CDC Thunderclap goes ‘live’ on September 30, 2015 at 12 PM ET. The Thunderclap message encourages people to meet their neighbors and start building a strong community that can help each other during disasters.

This year’s message is: “Build your community & Meet your neighbors today! Neighbors are usually first on the scene in an emergency. #NatlPrep.”  If you see this message on your social media accounts, we encourage you to retweet or share it. 

Nearly 8 million people will receive the message on their Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts. With your help, the CDC can spread the preparedness message even further, so be sure to register today!

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Dates for Your Calendar!

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Disclaimer: The reader recognizes that the federal government provides links and informational data on various disaster preparedness resources and events and does not endorse any non-federal events, entities, organizations, services or products. Please let us know about other events and services for individual and community preparedness that could be included in future newsletters by contacting citizencorps@fema.dhs.gov.