Guidance for TPS Beneficiaries Filing Late Re-Registration Applications

If you are a Temporary Protected Status (TPS) beneficiary who is eligible to re-register for TPS but did not file your application before the deadline for your re-registration period, USCIS reminds you to follow the guidance on our TPS web page under “Filing Late.”

If you file your TPS re-registration application late, you must submit a letter that explains your reason for filing late with your application. USCIS may accept the late re-registration TPS application if you have good cause for filing after the re-registration period for your country ends. Even if USCIS accepts your late re-registration, processing may be delayed and can lead to gaps in your work authorization.

The law requires USCIS to withdraw TPS for failure to re-register without good cause. Therefore, if you fail to re-register, you may lose your TPS, work authorization, and protection from removal from the United States.

Additional information on TPS—including guidance on eligibility, the application process, where to file, and filing late—is available online at

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