CSMS# 13-000515 - UPDATE: Deployment A Information Notice

You are subscribed to Automated Broker Interface for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.

10/23/2013 05:28 PM EDT

Automated Broker Interface

On October 4, 2013, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced the postponement of ACE Deployment A due to the lapse of appropriations and the subsequent emergency furlough shutdown. (CSMS # 13-000493).

ACE Deployment A, originally scheduled for October 5, 2013, will now be deployed on November 2, 2013.

The attached “Information Notice for Trade Community: Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Deployment A – November 2, 2013” has been updated with the new deployment date and other important deployment information. This updated Information Notice will be posted to the CBP.gov “What’s New with ACE?” page as soon as possible.

To learn more about ACE Deployment A, please download a copy of the attached Information Notice.

Related CSMS No. 13-000487, 13-000489, 13-000493

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