The purpose of this message is to inform the trade community of the expiration of Section 232 General Approved Exclusion (GAE) number 92.S for Harmonized Tariff Scheduled (HTS) 7208.39.0015 on Flat Rolled Iron as of midnight June 30, 2021.
HTS 7208.39.0015 was established as GAE 92.S in 85 FR 81600. The Department of Commerce has determined that the GAE status of HTS 7208.39.0015 will be permitted to expire along with the HTS number 7208.39.0015 in the latest round of 484(f) Committee Changes to HTS and Schedule B implemented on July 1, 2021.
The two replacement HTS numbers for 7208.39.0015 are HTS 7208.39.0020 and HTS 7208.30.0025. These replacement HTS numbers will be subject to Section 232 duties and quotas on their effective date of July 1, 2021.
For questions regarding the expired GAE, please contact the Department of Commence at For questions regarding Section 232 quotas, please contact the HQ Quota Branch at For questions regarding Section 232 trade remedies, please refer to CSMS message #42203908 (Information on Trade Remedy Questions and Resources)
Related Messages: 42566154, 42355735, 41981999, 41538803, 39633923, 18-000424, 18-000378, 18-000372, 18-000352, 18-000258, 18-000249, 18-000240