Media Advisory: USDA to Host Google+ Hangout on Local and Regional Food Systems and #MyFarmBill
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Media Advisory No. PENDING
USDA Office of Communications
(202) 720-4623
USDA to Host Google+ Hangout on Local and Regional Food Systems and #MyFarmBill
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19, 2013— ON THURSDAY, Nov. 21, USDA National Coordinator for Local and Regional Food Systems Elanor Starmer will lead a live Google+ Hangout to discuss the importance of a comprehensive Food, Farm and Jobs Bill to local and regional food systems. Starmer will be accompanied by a panel of experts, program recipients and future community leaders.
Local and regional food systems provide a multi-billion dollar market opportunity for America’s farmers, ranchers and food businesses. From the produce vendor at one of the nation’s 8,100 farmers markets to the operating 220 food hubs operating across America to the robust farm to school activities in each state, the expanding market opportunity for local and regional food continues to gain momentum.
View our fact sheet on Strengthening New Market Opportunities in Local and Regional Food Systems
Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013
2 p.m. EST
WHAT: USDA will participate in a live Google+ Hangout to discuss opportunities in local and regional food systems and the critical need for a comprehensive Food Farm and Jobs Bill.
WHO: USDA National Coordinator for Local and Regional Food Systems Elanor Starmer, farmers, food businesses, and students all actively engaged in the local and regional food system.
WHERE: Hangout will be broadcast live on our USDA Google+ page as
well as Submit your questions in advance on Twitter using hashtag #MyFarmBill or send to You can also leave a comment on the USDA Blog or Facebook.
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