New – 10 Tips Resource Provides a Key to Unlock Tips on Healthy Aging sent this bulletin at 07/13/2015 02:00 PM EDTChoosing Healthy Meals as you get Older:
10 Healthy Eating Tips for People Age 65+
Eating healthy and being active is important at any age. That’s why MyPlate and the National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, are delighted to offer a new resource on healthy eating designed specifically for people ages 65 and older.
Choosing Healthy Meals As You Get Older provides tips for planning healthy meals, making meals a social event, and knowing how much to eat, whether at home or away from home.
This latest addition to the Ten Tips Nutrition Education Series provides individuals and professionals with high quality, easy-to-follow tips in a convenient, printable format. The tip sheet is perfect for posting on a refrigerator or bulletin board.
Learn more in the latest USDA blog post, New Resource Provides A Key to Unlock Tips on Healthy Aging.