June 20, 2018, the US Office of Management and Budget announced changes that
raised the threshold for micro-purchases to $10,000, and the threshold for
simplified acquisitions to $250,000 for all current recipients of Federal
financial assistance awards through grants and cooperative agreements (grantees).
to legislative changes that occurred in the National Defense Authorization Acts
for both Fiscal Years 2017 and 2018, effective June 20, 2018 OMB has increased
the micro-purchase threshold to $10,000, and the simplified acquisition from
$100,000 to $250,000, for all Federal grant recipients. OMB has increased these
thresholds in advance of issuing amendments to the Uniform Guidance provisions
regarding these amounts (2 CFR §200.67 and CFR §200.88).
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 also included
provisions that allow institutions of higher education, or related or
affiliated nonprofit entities, nonprofit research institutions or independent
research institutes to apply for higher micro-purchase thresholds. Applications
for increased thresholds are to be submitted to the organization’s cognizant
Federal agency for indirect cost rates. OMB intends to update the Uniform
Guidance to conform to these changes.
necessary, CNCS will update grant terms and conditions to reflect the new
thresholds and applications for increased micro-purchase thresholds.
Grantees are encouraged to contact their Grants Officer with any
In Service,
Joseph Liciardello, Acting Chief Grants Officer
Corporation for National and Community Service Grant Offices
Washington, DC and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania