Welcome to your latest Waste and Recycling News - Important information about bin calendars and our new campaign!

The latest news on your waste and recycling - Bookmark and Share

Welcome to the latest edition of Waste and Recycling News from Nottingham City Council. Our e-newsletter will provide you with current information on our services, plus tips and advice on how you can help keep Nottingham clean. 

Trash to Treasure! Save. Create. Don't Waste

Trash to Treasure

Calling all fixers, repairers, up-cyclers, creative re-users, re-makers and re-furbishers!

We would like to invite you to take part in two months of reuse activity in Nottingham in February and March 2016.

Nottingham City Council and partners are hosting five innovative exhibitions of artwork and everyday objects all created from waste. The pieces come from all over the world and some have been made right here in Nottingham by artists, students and school children.

We are looking for groups, businesses, organisations and individuals who would like to get involved in the project.

Suggestions for ways to get involved include:

  • Host an event or activity on the theme of treasure form trash -  we can offer support with help finding a venue and publicising your event
  • Link an existing event or activity with our themes and receive a free publicity pack and advertising
  • Volunteer your time to help at up-cycling events, skill sharing, supervising exhibitions and leading tours
  • Arrange a collection of items that can be sent for recycling at your premises – e.g. textile collections or electrical equipment collections
  • Any other ideas? – We would love to hear from you!

If you want more information, want to get involved or have an idea please contact:

Call 0115 9152000 to leave a message.

Coming soon! Your bin calendar for 2015 / 2016!

Your new bin calendar for 2015 / 2016 will soon be arriving on your door mat!

Please keep this calendar handy as it contains important information about bin changes and also a handy recycling guide on the back.

If you haven't received your new calendar by the end of November - don't panic, you can download one now from www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/bins

Bin Calendar 2015 16

Still producing garden waste?

Garden Waste

Why not try your hand at composting? They are cheap to buy and we can provide guidance on how to get the most out of your compost - call 0115 9152000 or email waste.management@nottinghamcity.gov.uk. Not only will you have more space in your bin but also have environmentally friendly compost to help your flowers and vegetables grow in the spring!  Please do not put cooked foods, dairy products, meat, fish or bones in your compost bin as this can attract vermin!

If you don’t have the space for a composting site in your garden, you can take your garden waste to the Household Waste and Recycling Centre on Redfield Road in Lenton all year round. See www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/recycling for more information.  

Nottingham bucks the trend for fly tipping


Nottingham is showing a decrease in the amount of fly-tipping, despite nationally figures showing there has been an increase of 5.6% on 2013.

On average, Nottingham has seen a reduction of approximately. 3000 fly tips (about a quarter) over the last four years.  Using the £56 cost of removing a fly tip equates to about £168K per annum saving.

This is fantastic news for the city and a massive thanks goes to all our citizens who manage household waste responsibly.

We know there is still work to do as many areas are still targeted by fly tippers. Fly tipping and fly tippers can be reported on 9152000 or online at www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/reportit

Please also spread the word about Nottingham City Council's free bulky waste collection - more information can be found at www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/bulkywaste or by calling 9152000.