July Health and Wellbeing

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Staying fit and healthy in July

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Be Clear on Cancer, ‘Breast cancer in women over 70’ 

Nottingham City council is supporting the new NHS Be Clear on Cancer, ‘Breast cancer in women over 70’ campaign.

The national campaign, which  runs over the summer, aims to raise awareness of breast cancer symptoms in women aged 70 and over, informing them that 1 in 3 women who get breast cancer are over 70, ‘so don’t assume you’re past it’.

The campaign also emphasises that ‘a lump is not the only sign of breast cancer’.   Other possible signs of breast cancer include a lump in the armpit, nipple changes, changes to the skin of the breast, changes to breast shape or size.  If a woman has any of these symptoms, she should contact her doctor straight away.

For further information visit www.nhs.uk/breastcancer70