Buy with Confidence - Winter 2013

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Buy with Confidence edition 

This e-zine is compiled by Devon & Somerset Trading Standards Service for members of their Approved Trader Scheme.

Welcome to the latest edition of our Buy With Confidence Members' newsletter!

This year seems to have passed very quickly and it will be 2014 before we know it! We’re already busy working on our plans for next year and how we can best support and promote Buy with Confidence across Devon and Somerset. If you have any great ideas for promotion then please share them with us!

In this edition you’ll find a timely reminder about scams, news of our first Members' event in 2014, information about our first Members' directory and the short promotional film we’re working on.


At this time of year it’s also appropriate to remember those who are less fortunate so we’ve included some guidance on how you can help those who have trouble communicating.

Finally, please take this opportunity to have your say about the future work of Devon & Somerset Trading Standards by completing our online consultation.

Have a great Christmas and best wishes for a prosperous New Year!

Don’t get scammed this Christmas

Forewarned is forearmed - the best way to avoid scams is to learn how scammers operate.  Because they often operate from outside the UK and under false identities, it can be very difficult to target and bring them to justice. 

Christmas Scams

Learn about the top five scams which have tried to claim victims in Devon and Somerset

My present's broken!


There are several pieces of consumer protection legislation which can help you if one of your Christmas presents turns into a disaster. 

To find out what you can do about faulty presents, what your rights are and how to enforce them, read our Christmas Present Buying Guide

The small print

The Office of Fair Trading has launched a new ‘hub’ on Unfair Terms which provides accessible information on the subject of Terms & Conditions. This complements the ‘hubs’ they’ve already developed on the Sale of Goods and Distance Selling.



The importance of communication

The Total Communication Now project aims to raise awareness of the issues faced by some members of our community who have difficulty communicating. Please take time to read the useful guidance on how simple changes can really help to make a difference

Important credit licensing information

From April 2013 there will be changes to the credit licensing regime. Understand how this will affect you

Winter 2013

Come along to a free Member Event

Come and listen to Peter Thornton, Former Chairman of Thorntons Chocolates talk about various aspects of business including the ‘shop window’, and management style.

He comes to Exeter on Tuesday 28 January so book your place at this free event


Members' directory update

We’re excited that the directory is progressing well and should be available in the New Year

Help us set our priorities

We’re aiming to build an accurate picture of the issues that have affected Devon and Somerset residents and businesses over the last year. Please help us by completing this short survey to let us know what you think our priorities should be    


Camera, Lights, Action…

Thanks to those Members who’ve offered to be featured in the short film we’re putting together. Work on filming will start in the New Year – if you’re interested in being part of this project then there’s still time to join us, don’t be shy!



Citizens Advice Consumer Service
0845 04 05 06 or use the online form


See back copies or subscribe to the latest Trading Standards news

You have received this update as a member of Devon and Somerset Trading Standards Service Buy with Confidence Scheme - we hope you’ve enjoyed it! Give us your feedback here. Difficulty reading this? Contact us for more information about alternative formats.

For clear practical
Consumer Advice
Call Citizens Advice Consumer
Service on 08454 04 05 06

For Business Advice
Call 01392 381381
from Devon or 0845 345 9188
from Somerset

Office Hours
9am - 5pm (Monday to Thursday)
9am - 4:30pm (Friday)
We welcome calls through Typetalk

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