DASH Update - Summer Term Issue 4


   Summer Term Issue 4 - 03 July 2015

Whats New

Fairer School Funding: f40 Call for Action

f40 represents a group of the lowest funded education authorities in England where government-set cash allocations for primary and secondary pupils are the lowest in the country.

F40 logo

f40 has launched an urgent appeal for help at a local level to support them to achieve an important leap forward towards fairer funding for all schools. Recent meetings between f40, the DfE and the Minister for Education and Childcare, Sam Gyimah MP have been positive and there is a real sense the government is prepared to listen.

There is an important MP’s Briefing to be held in the House of Commons at 11am on Tuesday 14th July.  We are asking for your support by contacting your local MP and encouraging them to attend. Ministers are interested in hearing about real case studies illustrating what the combined effects are of being a low funded authority and a cash flat per pupil settlement (at least an estimated 12% in real terms after taking into account the effects rising employment costs and inflation).

Attached is a letter from Sue Clarke with a suggested template letter for you to use. You don’t have to use this but it may serve as a useful guide. Also attached are some of the key issues affecting Devon schools which you may find informative.

If you do respond, could you please copy in Karen Powlesland, Head Accountant Education and Learning, DCC, so we have a comprehensive local picture.

Please do support f40 in this – it is important that we take every opportunity we can to press for a fairer funding settlement for the pupils in Devon.



Opportunity to inform national policy and commissioning guidance on how schools and CAMHS can work best together (5 minute survey)

Current government policy, as laid out in 'Future in Mind', emphasises schools’ role in supporting mental health with a vision of greater inter-agency collaboration underpinning this.

The University of Exeter, The Anna Freud Centre and UCL would like to invite you to help inform national developments in this area to ensure that schools, NHS CAMHS and other providers can best work together to support children’s and young people’s mental health.  Read More>>

Academy Update

Underperforming Schools: Letter from Lord Nash

Lord Nash, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Schools, has recently written to Directors of Children's Services, to inform them that, from 1 July, he has decided to delegate decision-making on tackling underperformance in maintained schools through sponsored academy arrangements to Regional School Commissioners (RSCs).  Read More>>

Recommended Reading

Headlines from Sue Clarke, Head of Education & Learning

Read the latest issues of Headlines from Sue Clarke  30 June 2015


Education Funding Agency (EFA) e-bulletins

The Education Funding Agency (EFA) e-bulletins are issued weekly in term time. To subscribe to these bulletins email EFA.bulletin@education.gsi.gov.uk

E-bulletin for colleges, schools, local authorities and other providers:

18 June 2015          25 June 2015          2 July 2015

E-bulletin for academies:

18 June 2015          25 June 2015          2 July 2015


THRIVE Impact Report

Read a recent report on the impact of the THRIVE programme.  Read More>>


Devon Music Education Hub Board (DMEH) seeks new DASH Representative

DMEH is currently undertaking a governance review and we are looking to re-structure the DMEH Board from September, revising roles/responsibilities to separate strategy from delivery as much as possible.

The role of the group is to represent Secondary schools in Devon, providing strategic leadership of music education, setting priorities and agreeing Music Education Grant expenditure in order to effectively support the National Plan for Music Education. The group will also;

  • Set goals for the Hub;
  • Approve policies;
  • Agree programmes and their funding;
  • Approve the DMEH Business Plan and Marketing Plan;
  • Ensure a strong School Music Education Plan is in place;
  • Ensure quality assessment (QA) processes are in place to monitor activities taking place across DMEH;
  • Engage in continuous needs analysis and self-evaluation;
  • Pursue evidence-based decision making;
  • Ensure that children and young people are actively involved in DMEH and feel a sense of ownership;
  • Ensure excellent CPD opportunities are available and sign-posted;
  • Advocate for peer learning within and beyond DMEH;
  • Ensure excellent partnerships across DMEH;
  • Ensure  income streams are maximised.

Meetings take place every 8 – 12 weeks, usually after school (16.30 – 18.30) at Milford House in Exeter. Anyone interested in representing DASH on the DMEH Board should contact;

Ken Parr, Head of Devon LDP Music Service, Babcock LDP via email Ken.Parr@babcockinternational.com

Ofsted Logo

Ofsted News

 Issue 38 June 2015 >> Read More

Education Forum

When attending meetings of DEF, sub-groups and other statutory or working groups, DASH Representatives also provide a summary of key messages and issues affecting the secondary phase.

For full minutes of recent meetings of the Devon Education Forum (DEF) and LA working groups which report to DEF please visit the DEF website and follow the appropriate links.

Date of next DEF meeting:- 21 October 2015

To contact the forum: schools.forum@devon.gov.uk         Tel: 01392 382305

Schools Finance

To view the objectives, Terms of Reference and minutes of meetings for Schools' Finance Group, which is a sub-group of Devon Education Forum, visit the SFG website.


Financial Intervention Panel Schools (FIPS)

At Schools Finance Group in May DCC Education and Learning Finance team were asked to circulate information about the Loans Scheme so that all schools are aware of this option within the FIPS process.

The Loan Scheme will be one of the options available to FIPS in future when a school comes seeking financial assistance. The FIPS process will now enable a loan of up to 1.5% of school budget share for up to a total of 5 years (7.5%).  Interest will currently be based on the DCC long term borrowing rate, fixed for the entire loan period, at the rate on the date of the arrangement.
Loan Scheme Application Form>>


To view the objectives, Terms of Reference and minutes of meetings for School Organisation, Capital and Admissions sub-group of Devon Education Forum, visit the SOCA website.


Keeping Devon's Children Safe Update - June 2015

Read the June issue of Keeping Devon's Children Safe from Devon County Council.  Read More>>


Appointment of New DSCB Board Manager

DSCB logo

Philippa Geddes has recently been appointed as the new Board Manager for Devon Safeguarding Children Board.  Philippa has already been working with DSCB developing the new MACA process, and working with locality forums.  She was previously an Independent Reviewing Officer in Devon.