Introducing our new ministers

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May 2015

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DECC welcomes new ministerial team

Amber Rudd, Secretary of State

Earlier this week, the Prime Minister announced the appointment of Amber Rudd MP (pictured above) as Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change.  He also appointed:

• Andrea Leadsom MP, Minister of State for Energy
• Lord Bourne of Aberystwyth, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State

Having previously served as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at DECC, Amber Rudd is familiar with the task in hand of keeping the lights on and powering the economy; keeping bills low for families and businesses and getting a climate deal at The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris this December.

The Secretary of State’s specific brief covers overall strategy on energy, consumers and climate change which includes international climate change negotiations; energy bills and the Competition and Markets Authority investigation.

Read more about Amber Rudd

Andrea Leadsom

Andrea Leadsom, Minister of State for Energy, joins the department from the Treasury where she was Economic Secretary to the Treasury. 

Her brief at DECC includes energy security; oil and gas policy, including shale gas; carbon capture and storage; nuclear; renewables and international energy.

Read more about Andrea Leadsom

Lord Bourne of Aberystwyth, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, has been a member of the Lords since 2013. As well as his new role at DECC, he will take up the role of Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Wales Office.

Lord Bourne’s brief includes heat; smart meters; energy efficiency; climate science and innovation.

Read more about Lord Bourne

Lord Bourne

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