Centre for Cities – Cities Outlook 2015 - Coventry summary - PDF
source: Insight, Coventry City Council and Centre for Cities
Every year the Centre for Cities publishes their health check for city
economies (64 UK cities). This is a summary of what the Cities Outlook 2015 report means for Coventry. It highlights where Coventry is doing well compared to other cities; growth, job creation, salaries and skilled industries and those areas where Coventry is doing less well; the city has a relatively high proportion of residents with no qualifications and a relatively low employment rate. These indicators do not tell the whole story however.
Read the summary report above for Coventry which puts these statistics into context and gives more detail.
Hard Edges - Coventry summary - PDF
source: Insight, Coventry City Council and Lankelly Chase Foundation
The Lankelly Chase Foundation, a charitable trust interested in the clustering of social harms, recently published 'Hard Edges'. The report sets out their work to quantify the number of people using homelessness, substance misuse and criminal justice services - people affected by more than one of these social harms. Coventry is highlighted as being resident to a relatively high number of people involved in these systems.
Read a summary for Coventry above.
Coventry children's demographics - PDF
source: Insight, Coventry City Council
Read the report above containing a series of figures and statistics that come together to give a general quantitative profile of the children living in Coventry. This may help inform the planning of children's services. The figures are set out by each electoral ward in the city, showing the broad areas of the city with higher populations of children.
Coventry Tourism Economic Impact Assessment 2013 report - PDF
source: The Research Solution
This is the last of a series of reports commissioned by Coventry City Council to monitor the impact of the Olympics on tourism in the city. Read the report above.
The headline findings are as
642,000 trips
were made by staying visitors to the city in 2013 (453,000 UK staying visitors
and 189,000 overseas visitors), staying a total of 2,603,000 nights in the city, an average of 4 nights per
visit. Although the number of staying trips made to the city has fallen since
2011, the total number of nights stayed in the city has risen due to visitors
staying longer.
7,575,000 day trips were made to the city in 2013, having risen
between 2011 and 2013.
In total 8,217,000 tourism
visitors came to the city in 2013.
The economic
impact of tourism on the city has increased between 2011 and 2013, with an
estimated £419 million spent in the city by tourism visitors, supporting
10,180 jobs
in the city.