This newsletter contains the latest news and messages from Coventry City Council and information about local community groups and partners who are offering local support.
In this issue:
Hello, I hope this additional bulletin finds you well?
I can honestly say that I can't quite believe that Carers Week has come around so quickly. From 10 - 16 June 2024 we are supporting Carers Week and this year's theme is 'Putting carers on the map'.
So much has happened in the past year we have celebrated, Carers Rights Day, Young Carers Action Day, our Coventry Carers Action Plan - 2024 - 2026 has been written and being implemented, we have held several events across the city, the Government introduced the new Carers Leave Act, we have had and continue to have the cost of living crisis and alongside all of this you have continued to carry out your caring role, to which we are truly grateful.
In this bulletin you will find lots of information about all the activities and events that are taking place during Carers Week. There are also drop-ins that are being held at Central Library where you can have your say on commissioned services. Please do pop along and see us.
You can also keep an eye out if you are in town as Coventry City Council will be showing their support to carers in the city by turning Greyfriars Green, Whittle Arch and Christchurch Spire blue. It’s well worth taking a look.
We hope you find this additional bulletin helpful and once again we want to say the biggest thank you for all your ongoing support and love that you provide, day in day out to your loved ones. Take care.
Claire Dale, Chief Executive Officer of Carers Trust Heart of England shares her thoughts:
“Carers Week is a significant week for us in terms of raising awareness of who unpaid carers of all-ages are, what they do and campaigning for the services that they both need and deserve to receive. This ties in with this year’s theme of ‘Putting Carers on the Map’ highlighting the invaluable contributions of unpaid carers across the UK. If you are an unpaid carer and are not currently registered with us, please visit our website and get in touch.”
We’d really like to hear from anyone accessing carers support services or home support services in Coventry, to help us shape how we deliver support in the future.
- Carers Support Services
- Long Term Home Support Services
We will be at Central Library on:
- 6 June – 12noon - 2pm
- 18 June – 9:30am - 11.30am
- 19 June – 9:30am -11.30am
If you can’t attend a session but would like to be provide any feedback please email us.
Join us and together we can help support carers!
We're delighted to confirm that we will be kicking off our Carers' Week activities on Sunday 9 June with a walk around the breath taking Packington Estate.
The specific route is to be confirmed, but we are hoping to complete a 4 mile walk and want you to join us! Whatever your reason, whoever you walk for, please come along and join in. Feel free to come alone, bring the family, or even a furry friend!
Every step taken will help support carers in Coventry and Warwickshire so your support is much appreciated, not only by us but carers and those they care for too. We can't wait to see you all, ready and raring to go!
Please email the team to register your interest. More information on route and meeting point will be revealed in the near future.
 Carers Trust Heart of England invite you to join them to put carers on the map at their event at Coventry Building Society Arena, Business Lounge on Monday 10 June 2024 from 4pm - 7:30pm.
Celebrate all our Young and Adult Carers across Coventry and Warwickshire.
- Have fun in our games zone
- Meet our community partners and find out what local support is available to you and your family.
- Get creative with arts and crafts
- Chat to our adult wellbeing team regarding support and transition for young adult carers 18 - 25 years
- Our friends at Ladybug Lodge will be providing a safe SEN sensory space for families to access during the event.
Free parking at Coventry Building Society Arena and refreshments provided.
To register your place contact 07428 670 040.
Empowering young carers and young adult carers, building fair futures and putting our young carers on the map!
Join Carers Trust for a Mindful Colouring Workshop on Tuesday 11 June from 12:30pm - 1:30pm at Central Library, West Orchards Way, Coventry CV1 1FY.
Take some time out and join us for a relaxing session of mindfulness and colouring.
For more information please email or call 024 7663 2972, option 1.
Carer Information Fair
Do you know what help is available to you as an unpaid carer?
Join us and our partners as we host an information day on all areas of caring: from legal and financial to your own health and wellbeing, we're here for you.
The fair is taking place at Broad Street Rugby Club, 105 Rugby Road, Binley Woods, Coventry CV3 2AY on Wednesday 12 June from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
If you are a current partner of ours or have information that would be helpful for unpaid carers, contact us by emailing the team or, give them a call on 024 7663 2972 option 1.
Carers Trust Heart of England are delighted to announce that we will once again be hosting our annual Carer Awards Ceremony on Thursday 13 June at Warwick School.
This year's Carer Awards will be that little bit more special as we celebrate our 50th anniversary. The Carer Awards will mark the beginning of these celebrations which will go on throughout the year, with so many fantastic memories and milestones to reflect upon!
The Carer Awards Ceremony will take place during Carers' Week (10-16 June), an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK. It also helps people who don’t see themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much-needed support.
This year’s theme is ‘Putting Carers on the Map.’ We are asking everyone to help us raise awareness of carers and to thank them for the invaluable role they carry out.
The Carer Awards is an opportunity for the local community to come together to celebrate the selfless work of not only carers but also the businesses, educational organisations and fundraisers that have gone above and beyond to help support carers and those they care for.
We are excited to reveal the winners in next month's bulletin and will share photo's of the event.
Mental Health Care and Share
Grief, Loss and Change with Dr Liz Sparke
All age Carer Information evening
Mindfulness Colouring Workshop
Grief, Loss and Change with Dr Liz Sparke
Change and Bereavement Support Group
Grief, Loss and Change with Dr Liz Sparke
To attend a session, it is important that you are registered with Carers Trust Heart of England. Most of our groups are based in Coventry City Centre and the location will be confirmed when booking.
For more information please email the team, give them a call on 024 7663 2972 option 1.
Henley Green Community Centre CV2 1HQ
Canley Social Supermarket
Willenhall Primary Care Centre 1
Henley Green Community Centre CV2 1HQ
Broad Street Meeting Hall, 126 Broad Street
Willenhall Primary Care Centre 1
For more information please email the team, give them a call on 024 7663 2972 option 1.
What's a carer's assessment?
If you care for someone you may well have been offered a carer's assessment. A carer's assessment is the opportunity for you to talk to a professional about your caring role, the impact that it has on you and your overall wellbeing and any needs you might have as result. It will help you talk about the future and help you start to think about other aspects like contingency planning.
Who can have a carer's assessment?
Anyone who has a caring role can have a carer's assessment, you don't need to be caring for a certain amount of hours a week and you may even want to think about a carer's assessment if you're considering taking on a caring role.
What can a carer's assessment lead to?
A carer's assessment should help you think about the support you might need and this will be explored as part of the assessment. This might be some support to plan for an emergency, it might be the provision of a Carers' Direct Payment to help you purchase goods or services, or to help you in your caring role. Often carers tell us it was the first time they've been able to discuss their own needs in any level of detail.
Who completes the assessment?
If you have active involvement with Adult Social Care, then your social work practitioner will offer you an assessment. If you don't have input at present from Adult Social Care you can request an assessment from the Carers Trust Heart of England on 024 7663 2972 (option 1).
- As of 6 April 2024, informal carers and those with a caring responsibility now have a statutory right to 5 days of unpaid leave as a result of a new law that was passed in Parliament in May 2023.
- The leave will be able to be taken in half or full days, up to and including taking a block of a whole week of leave at once and will be regardless of how long they have worked with their employer.
- Importantly, employees taking Carer’s Leave will have the same employment protections as associated with other forms of family related leave. This includes protection from dismissal or detriment as a result of having taken the leave.
- Carers leave will support carers' health and wellbeing.
All employers should be supporting working carers to balance work and caring. For more information on this new law visit the Parliament website.
Upgrade your Go CV account if you are registered with Carers Trust Heart of England.
Did you know, if you or someone you know is an unpaid carer, you can register for a free Go CV card and be entitled to Go CV+ the highest level of discount for Coventry residents on partner events, activities and attractions? You can find all the latest discounts and offers on the Go CV app.
All you need to do is register with the Carers Trust Heart of England who will provide you with a letter to confirm you are a carer then ensure your Go CV account is upgraded with your status to get Go CV+ level of discount. You can then easily upload a copy of your carer’s letter.
Safe and well visits are carried out by operational firefighters, based at 38 community fire stations, and usually take around an hour. There are strong links between health, well-being and lifestyle choices and the risk of fire.
This is why, with the residents’ permission, West Midlands Fire Service (WMFS) cover a range of topics with a link to fire risk, including:
- smoking, alcohol, medication and drugs
- hoarding, mental health, healthy eating and lifestyles, dementia
- mobility including slips, trips and falls
- loneliness and social isolation
- home security
A handbook complements the visits, providing vital fire safety information, general safety and health or wellbeing advice. A copy is left with the household, along with information on any actions or referrals/ signposting made by the visiting crew. Any firefighting crew attending a person's home for a Safe and Well visit will always carry their identity cards, and you should ask to see this before allowing them entry to your home.
On these visits, they can offer:
- Free smoke alarms and hearing impairment smoke alarms
- Free fire blankets
- Carbon monoxide readings
- Risk assessment of the property
- And more
There is lots of information on their website where you can make an online referral or, if you need advice or cannot use the online form you can call the team for free on 0800 3895 525 or send them an email.
You can now also find information on:
Would you like to know more about adult carers and young carers?
If so we have two courses that are available to help increase your knowledge. Both courses are free and you can access them in your own time. Please take a look and we hope you find them helpful:
It’s simple! Just add your email address in the top right hand corner and click GO!
You can also sign up or view previous bulletins from our Carers' website.
If you have any comments or wish to contribute something to the next bulletin, please let us know by contacting us at