This destructive invasive species harms aquatic life, including native mussels and even popular sportfish, damages boats and fishing equipment, and hinders water recreation. Lake Texoma, Ray Roberts, Lewisville, Bridgeport, Belton and Lavon are already infested — and without your help, zebra mussels could spread throughout the state. Watch this short video to learn more.
It’s Illegal to Transport Zebra Mussels
When you boat this summer, adult zebra mussels or their microscopic larvae could hide in your boat and trailer. By hitching a ride on boats like yours, zebra mussels can spread and infest new lakes and rivers across Texas.
It is illegal to possess or transport zebra mussels knowingly or unknowingly. In addition, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission has approved expanding from 47 North and Central Texas counties to statewide the rule requiring boaters to drain all water from their vessels, including live wells, bilges, motors, and any other receptacles before leaving or approaching a water body. This applies to all types and sizes of boats used on public fresh waters, effective July 1.