See Tracks, Think Train Public Safety Awareness Campaign

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Release Date:  Monday, July 27, 2015

METRO Sounds the Alarm for Safety Near Light Rail Lines 

Stop, Look and Listen Where Roads and Rails Cross

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Who:  Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO) 


What:  METRO is committed to promoting safety along our light-rail lines and invites everyone to participate in a public awareness campaign to remind motorists and pedestrians to stay alert when traveling near the tracks.  Video will be distributed illustrating the risky actions taken by some pedestrians and drivers along the rail lines, which could have resulted in injury or even death.


When:  Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 10 a.m.


Where:  University of Houston Main Campus, near Metrorail Station at the intersection of Holman and Scott

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Click here for an example of METRO's educational efforts in a safety video.

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Click here to see rail safety video
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